When a user with OVERRIDE privileges uses an INSERT or UPDATE to load a table that has one or more non-hierarchical constraint columns, the system does not calculate and insert the needed hex values. The user must supply the hex values for each non-hierarchical constraint column as part of the load script.
For example:
- Calculate the binary string for the bit position that represents the constraint values, as shown in Example: Loading Tables without User OVERRIDE Privileges.
- Convert the binary string to a hex value.
- Load the hex values into the source data column(s).
- Specify the column(s) containing the hex data in the load script.
When you load the destination table, the hex values are entered into the constraint columns.
The database checks all constraint column input data for validity, by internally converting the hex string to binary and checking the indicated bit position against dictionary rows in DBC.ConstraintValues, before inserting them into the target table.