Consider the following COLLECT STATISTICS request, where o_spatial_location is a geospatial column.
COLLECT STATISTICS COLUMN o_orderdatetime, COLUMN o_orderkey, COLUMN o_spatial_location ON orders;
The following HELP STATISTICS request returns summary statistical information for orders that reports information for the geospatial column. This information includes the table cardinality known to the Optimizer indicated by the row with column value *.
Because the concept Unique Values is meaningless for Geospatial data types, a HELP STATISTICS request always returns the total number of base table rows in the position taken by a geospatial column, which in this case is o_spatial_location.
HELP STATISTICS orders; *** Help information returned. 3 rows. *** Total elapsed time was 1 second. Date Time Unique Values Column Names -------- -------- -------------------- ---------------------------- 10/08/16 18:14:36 100 * 10/08/16 18:10:48 100 o_orderdatetime 10/08/16 18:05:44 100 o_orderkey 10/08/16 18:19:08 100 o_spatial_location