The percentage of free space to reserve on a cylinder during some loading operations.
The following operations use the FREESPACE setting you specify:
- FastLoad data loads.
- MultiLoad data loads into empty tables.
- Archive/Recovery RESTORE.
- Table Rebuild.
- System reconfiguration
- Ferret PACKDISK.
- MiniCylPack.
If few cylinders are available and storage space is limited, MiniCylPack might not be able to honor the specified FREESPACE value.
- ALTER TABLE request that adds fallback protection to a table.
- CREATE INDEX request that defines or redefines a secondary index on a populated table.
- Creation of a fallback table during an INSERT … SELECT operation into an empty table that is defined with fallback.
- Creation of a secondary index during an INSERT … SELECT operation into an empty table that is defined with a secondary index.
The following operations do not use the FREESPACE setting you specify:
- SQL INSERT operations.
- Teradata Parallel Data Pump INSERT operations.
- MultiLoad data loads into populated tables.
You cannot use PACKDISK to change this attribute after you have created a table. Instead, submit an ALTER TABLE request to change the free space percent value for the table and then immediately afterward submit a PACKDISK command using the same free space percent value. See ALTER TABLE. For more information and instructions for running PACKDISK, see the description of the Ferret utility in
Teradata Vantage™ - Database Utilities
, B035-1102
- integer
- Value from 0 through 75, representing a percentage. DECIMAL or FLOATING POINT constants are converted to an integer by truncating the value.
- An optional keyword you can type following the value for integer.