Multibyte Character Sets - FastExport

Teradata® FastExport Reference

Release Number
June 2021
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

The database supports multibyte characters in object names when the client session character set is UTF-8 or UTF-16. Refer to International Character Set Support for a list of valid characters used in object names. If multi-byte characters are used in object names in a Teradata FastExport script, they must be enclosed in double quotes.

To log on with UTF-8 character set or other supported multibyte character sets (Chinese, Japanese, or Korean), create object names shorter than 30 bytes. This limitation applies to userid, password, and account. The logon string might fail if it exceeds 30 bytes per object name.

Multibyte character sets impact the operation of certain FastExport commands, as well as object names in Teradata SQL statements, as shown in the following table.

Commands Impacting Multibyte Character Sets 
FastExport Command Affected Elements Impact
FIELD Field name The field name specified can have multibyte characters. In addition, it can be referenced in:
  • Other FIELD commands
  • NULLIF and field concatenation expressions
  • APPLY WHERE conditions in IMPORT commands
  • Contain a NULLIF expression, which may use multibyte characters
FILLER Filler name The name specified in a FILLER command can have multibyte characters.
LAYOUT Layout name The layout name can:
  • Have multibyte characters
  • Be used in the LAYOUT clause of an IMPORT command
  CONTINUEIF condition The CONTINUEIF condition can specify multibyte character set character comparisons.
LOGON User name and password The user name and password can have multibyte characters.
LOGTABLE Table and database names The restart log table name and database name can have multibyte characters.