User Administration - Teradata AppCenter

Teradata® AppCenter User Guide

Teradata AppCenter
Release Number
September 2020
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Analytical Ecosystem

AppCenter includes a built-in OpenLDAP with two users that you can use to get started with AppCenter before adding corporate LDAP users. The built-in OpenLDAP configuration is optional and is not supported in production.

For corporate LDAP configurations, if a user is part of a configured LDAP domain, they can log into AppCenter with their credentials and AppCenter adds them as a user automatically.
Although Teradata® AppCenter allows you to configure corporate LDAP or LDAPS, we strongly recommended you engage the Teradata Center for Enterprise Security team that is part of Teradata Professional Services to provide this configuration service. See Corporate LDAP Security Considerations and reach out to Teradata Professional Services.
Root and admin users can do the following:
  • Promote an existing regular user to an admin user
  • Demote an existing admin user to a regular user
  • Import a user who is part of a configured LDAP domain and who has not logged in yet as an admin user
The root or an admin user cannot modify their own permissions.
The built-in OpenLDAP includes the following two users:
Username Password
user1 user1
user2 user2

The root user can promote either user to admin , if user1 has already logged in, or import either user as an admin if they have not logged in yet.