TVI Logging - BAR

Teradata Appliance Backup Utility Installation and User Guide

Release Number
November 2017
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

TVI allows critical failures to be reported to Teradata immediately. Logging by TVI is enabled by default.

TVI errors that are reported for ABU on LINUX are listed below by message ID number. All of the critical errors with the escalation flag set to true are escalated as incidents. Event codes are supported in CMIC release 11.02 or later unless otherwise noted.

Critical Messages

Synopsis: ABU Server crashed.
Escalation: True. This critical error is escalated as an incident.
Meaning: ABU Server crashed due to an access violation. This causes the ABU Server service to stop. If a job is running, it fails. No ABU jobs can run until the service is started.
Probable Cause: Recent activity in ABU or the job launched caused the ABU server to crash.
Recommendations: Contact Teradata Customer Support. Provide the log file and stack that is stored as a text file in the ABU server log directory.

Warning Messages

Synopsis: ABU Server Service was stopped.
Meaning: ABU Server Service was stopped. No ABU jobs can be run.
Probable Cause: The ABU service was stopped manually or during a shut down or reboot. The ABU server service starts automatically on reboot. If the ABU server crashes or hits a segmentation fault, the ABU server service goes down. This is generally accompanied by a ABU-SignalHandler alert.
Recommendations: Check for the reason the ABU server service is down. In the event of a segmentation fault, the stack is stored as a text file in the ABU server's logs directory.
Synopsis: ABU job completed with a warning status.
Meaning: ABU job completed with a warning return status from ARCMain. This may need ABU user's attention.
Probable Cause: ARCMain completed the job but had problems that were not severe enough to fail the job.
Recommendations: Look into the ABU logs for details. If needed, set VB3 ARCMain parameter to get more details.
Synopsis: ABU job failed to complete.
Meaning: ABU job failed to complete because of an underlying issue. This may be a direct ARC error or other ARC-dependent software errors, including DBS and CLI errors.
Probable Cause: ARCMain failed to complete the job when it encountered a severe problem.
Recommendations: Look into the ABU logs for details. If needed, set VB3 ARCMain parameter to get more details.

Information Messages

Synopsis: ABU Server Service started.
Meaning: ABU Server Service was started. ABU jobs can be run.
Probable Cause: ABU Server Service started.
Recommendations: n/a
Synopsis: ABU Server configuration was updated or modified.
Meaning: A user has updated the ABU Server configuration. The updated information should be reflected in the defaults file.
Probable Cause: User updated the configuration.
Recommendations: n/a
Synopsis: ABU job was aborted.
Meaning: ABU job was aborted and the job did not complete.
Probable Cause: A user aborted the ABU job running for some reason.
Recommendations: n/a
Synopsis: ABU JIR file deleted.
Meaning: A request from ABU GUI or the command line utility was sent to ABU Server to delete the jir file.
Probable Cause: A user deleted a saveset from the Restore Object Selection or using command line utility.
Recommendations: n/a
Synopsis: ABU diagnostic files.
Meaning: Created diagnostic files to be sent to customer support
Probable Cause: A problem in ABU required more details and a file was created for diagnostic purposes.
Recommendations: Investigate other ABU alerts and send Teradata Customer Support the abu_DDB to diagnose the problem.