Arguments - Aster Analytics

Teradata Aster Analytics Foundation User Guide

Aster Analytics
Release Number
November 2016
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Argument Category Description
EventColumn Required Specifies the name of the input column that contains the clickstream events.
ConversionEvents Required Specifies the conversion events. Each conversion_event is a string or integer.
ExcludeEvents Optional Specifies the events to exclude from the attribution calculation. Each exclude_event is a string or integer. An exclude_event cannot be a conversion_event.
OptionalEvents Optional Specifies the optional events. Each optional_event is a string or integer. An optional_event cannot be a conversion_event or exclude_event. The function attributes a conversion event to an optional event only if it cannot attribute it to a regular event.
TimestampColumn Required Specifies the name of the input column that contains the timestamps of the clickstream events.
WindowSize Required Specifies how to determine the maximum window size for the attribution calculation:
  • rows: K: Consider the maximum number of events to be attributed, excluding events of types specified in excluding_event_table, which means assigning attributions to at most K effective events before the current impact event.
  • seconds: K: Consider the maximum time difference between the current impact event and the earliest effective event to be attributed.
  • rows: K &seconds: K2: Consider both constraints and comply with the stricter one.
Model1 Required Defines the type and specification of the first model. For example:

Model1 ('EVENT_REGULAR', 'email:0.19:LAST_CLICK:NA', 'impression:0.81:WEIGHTED:0.4,0.3,0.2,0.1')

For more information see the following tables in the Input section of the function Attribution (Multiple-Input Version):
  • For model type and specification definitions, see the table: Attribution Model Types and Specification Definitions
  • For MODEL values and their corresponding PARAMETER values, see the table: Attribution Distribution Model Specification Models and Parameters
Model2 Optional Defines the type and distributions of the second model. For example:

Model2 ('EVENT_OPTIONAL', 'OrganicSearch:0.5:UNIFORM:NA', 'Direct:0.3:UNIFORM:NA', 'Referral:0.2:UNIFORM:NA')

For more information see the following tables in the Input section of the function Attribution (Multiple-Input Version):
  • For model type and specification definitions, see the table: Attribution Model Types and Specification Definitions
  • For MODEL values and their corresponding PARAMETER values, see the table: Attribution Distribution Model Specification Models and Parameters
  • For allowed Model1/Model2 combinations, see the table: Attribution Allowed Model1/Model2 Combinations