Because GDP and GDPdeflator represent the same data but with different scaling, their correlation is 1. The correlation coefficients for all column pairs are shown below.
state | corr | value |
CA | gdp:gdp | 1 |
CA | gdpdeflator:gdpdeflator | 1 |
CA | gdpdeflator:gdp | 1 |
CA | employed:gdp | 0.967695 |
CA | employed:armedforces | 0.952826 |
CA | employed:unemployed | -0.437618 |
TX | gdp:gdp | 1 |
TX | gdpdeflator:gdpdeflator | 1 |
TX | gdpdeflator:gdp | 1 |
TX | employed:gdp | 0.912757 |
TX | employed:unemployed | 0.32077 |
TX | employed:armedforces | -0.451985 |