Workarounds: - Aster Analytics
Teradata AsterĀ® Analytics Foundation User GuideUpdate 2
- Product
- Aster Analytics
- Release Number
- 7.00.02
- Published
- September 2017
- Language
- English (United States)
- Last Update
- 2018-04-17
- dita:mapPath
- uce1497542673292.ditamap
- dita:ditavalPath
- AA-notempfilter_pdf_output.ditaval
- dita:id
- B700-1022
- lifecycle
- previous
- Product Category
- Software
- Improve the accuracy of the saxification step, in any of the following ways:
- Decrease the SaxWindowSize argument value.
- Decrease the SaxOutputFrequency argument value.
- Increase the SaxSymbolsPerWindow argument value.
- Increase the number of masking operations by increasing the RandomProjections argument value.
- Increase the number of iterations by decreasing the MaxNumIter argument value.
- Increase the number of u_shapelets for clustering by decreasing the ShapeletCutOff argument value.
- Decrease the Threshold argument value.