When a TDPid is specified, Available-logon-mechanisms allows selection of a logon mechanism from a list of all usable logon mechanisms, which also indicates a default mechanism. When a TDPid is not supplied, there is no known use for the query.
If no TDP identifier is provided, refers to the logon mechanisms supported by CLIv2 itself. If a TDP identifier is provided by the QEPTIDP field of length specified by the QEPTLEN field, refers to the logon mechanisms supported by both CLIv2 and the database. Since they do not apply, the QEPRQST and QEPTOKEN fields must contain binary zeroes.
Returns a list of logon mechanism names supported. The response consists of four fixed fields followed by a variable number of entries. As many whole entries as will fit into the response area whose length is indicated by QEPRALEN will be returned. If all entries are not returned, another query may be issued specifying the returned token to indicate that entries after those already returned are processed.
Item Code | Mnemonic | Response DBQERALM (DbqerALM for C) | |
Field | Value | ||
32 | QEPIALM | QERALMTK ('token' for C, COBOL, and PL/I) | Four-byte token to be placed into QEPTOKEN to retrieve any additional entries. The content of the token is undefined and must not be altered by the application. |
QERALMNR (entriesRemaining for C, ENTRIES-REMAINING for COBOL, ENTRIES_REMAINING for PL/I) | Two-byte unsigned integer indicating the number of entries not returned. | ||
QERALMNP (entriesPresent for C, ENTRIES-PRESENT for COBOL, ENTRIES_PRESENT for PL/I) | Two-byte unsigned integer indicating the number of entries returned. | ||
QERALMLN (entryLen for C, ENTRY-LEN for COBOL, ENTRY_LEN for PL/I) | Two-byte unsigned integer indicating the length of each entry. | ||
Immediately following are the number of entries indicated by QERALMNP, each of length indicated by QERALMLN. Each entry consists of: | |||
QERALENM ('name' for C, COBOL, and PL/I) | Eight-byte logon mechanism name, in EBCDIC. | ||
QERALEA ('attr' for C, COBOL, and PL/I) | One-byte EBCDIC value containing either "D", with mnemonic QERALEAD ('QER_MechAttrDefault' for C, QER_MECH_ATTR_DEFAULT for PL/I) if this is the default mechanism, or a space, with mnemonic QERALEAN (QER_MechAttrNone for C, NONE for COBOL, QER_MECH_ATTR_NONE for PL/I) otherwise. The default attribute is not meaningful to CLIv2 but may be used by the application in selecting a mechanism. Seven unused bytes. |