DBCHINI initializes the Language-id to the default value provided in the HSHSPB being used. If the default value for Language-id is not appropriate for an application, perform the following procedure before calling DBCHCL for the connect function:
- Set Change-options to 'Y'.
- Change the value for Language-id as follows:
If the language is... Then set Language-id to... Arabic AR Danish DA German DE Greek EL English EN Spanish ES Finnish FI French FR Hebrew IW Icelandic IS Italian IT Japanese JA Korean KO Dutch NL Norwegian NO Portuguese PT Romansh/Grishun RM Russian RU Swedish SV Thai TH Turkish TR Chinese ZH
Messages are distributed in United States English (Language-id 'EN', optional Country-id 'US') only, although customers or Teradata Corporation in various countries can provide additional languages.
The mechanism by which the CLIv2 error messages may be defined in other languages is described in User-Defined Character Sets.
If a message must be returned, but messages are not available in the specified language, then the message number with fixed message text of '(REQUIRED MESSAGE TABLE IS NOT AVAILABLE)' in United States English will be returned. For example, the message 'CLI0538 REQUEST REJECTED BY DELAY' would be presented as: