Max-decimal-returned specifies the maximum precision of DECIMAL values in a response. The option is ignored for Field Response-mode. Max-decimal-returned exists only when DBCHINI had been called for a DBCAREA with Total-length set to at least 640 (that is, the returned DBCAREA Level value is at least 1). For a smaller DBCAREA, Max-decimal-returned is ignored.
In this language... |
The variable name for Max-decimal-returned is... |
PL/I |
C, C++ |
maxDecimalReturned |
IBM Assembler |
Routine. |
Action for Max-decimal-returned |
writes |
reads (RSUP; IRQ; IWPF) |
Max-decimal-returned is used by... |
To... |
applications |
write. |
The database rejects any value greater than the decimal precision value obtained using the DBCHQE SQL-limits query. If Max-decimal-returned is omitted or specified as zero, the client default of 18 is assumed, unless the HSHSPB MDR specification is used to specify a different default.