Session-desc-pointer is a four-byte field: when the Variable-length-request option is set to 'N', if Session-desc-length is non-zero, it contains the address of an EBCDIC character string of that number of bytes, while if Session-desc-length is zero, Session-desc-pointer is ignored; when the Variable-length-request option is set to 'Y', it contains the address of a two-byte unsigned integer containing the number of bytes in an EBCDIC character string followed by that string, and Session-desc-length is ignored.
Use of Session-desc requires a Connect-type setting of 'C'.
Session-desc-pointer exists only when DBCHINI had been called for a DBCAREA with Total-length set to at least 640 (that is, the returned DBCAREA Level value is at least 1). For a smaller DBCAREA, Session-desc-pointer is ignored.
In this language... | The variable name for Session-desc-pointer... |
C, C++ | sessDescPtr |
IBM Assembler | DBCNISDP |
This routine... | Does this for Session-desc-pointer... |
DBCHINI | writes |
DBCHCL | reads (RCON) |
Session-desc-pointer is used by... | To... |
applications | write |
The character string has no meaning beyond that determined by the application. Any non-graphic codepoints are translated to dashes, as are any opening or closing parentheses. The string is prefixed by “SESSDESC(“, suffixed with “)”, and added to the LogonSource column of DBC.SessionTbl.
The sum of the lengths used for Session-desc-pointer and Workload-pointer must be less than or equal to one of the following values:
The maximum value is approximately. . . | If Maximum-parcel is set to... |
32,725 | O |
64,493 | H |
2,147,483,602 | H, and the database supports ExtendedRespond, as indicated by the DBCHQE Extended-response-support query. |
The actual maximum may vary slightly with the version of the database being used; the value may be obtained using the DBCHQE CLIv2-limits query.
However, TDP rejects Connect requests of excessive length, and the length of the LogonSource column is limited by the database, and TDP truncates any string that exceeds that length.