HSHSPB Source Default Settings That Should Probably Not Be Changed - Teradata Tools and Utilities

Teradata® Call-Level Interface Version 2 Reference for Mainframe-Attached Systems

Teradata Tools and Utilities
Release Number
June 2021
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

The default for the following values can be changed for any application, but depending on the design of the application may result in errors indicated by the database when the application is executed.

Keyword Default Description
IBOKRSP 'N' The default for the Keep-response (DBCNITSM) option, chosen as either 'Y', 'N', or 'P'.
IBOSCS HSHSPB default distributed The default for the Set-character-set (DBOSCS) option, chosen as either null to indicate no default is provided, or 'N' to indicate a default character set name is provided by the HSHSPB IBCCSN keyword.
IBCCSC (No HSHSPB default distributed) Deprecated and should not be used.
IBCCSN HSHSPB default distributed If the Set-character-set (DBOSCS) option is 'N', the default for the Character set name, in EBCDIC, chosen from the possible names for the DBCAREA Character-set-pointer values described in Character-set-pointer.
IBOTSM 'D' The default for the Transaction-semantics (DBCNITSM) option, chosen as either 'D', 'A', or 'T'.
IBOLCS 'N' The default for the Language-conformance (DBCNILCS) option, chosen as either 'N', '2', or '3'.
IBOC2SC 'D' The default for the C2S-conversion (DBCIC2SC) option, chosen as either 'R', 'I', or 'D'.


'D' The default for the S2C-conversion (DBCIS2CC) option, chosen as either 'R', 'I', or 'D'.
IBODF 'D' The default for the Date-form (DBCNIDF) option, chosen as either 'D', 'T', or 'A'.
LANG 'EN' The default for the Language-id (DBCNILID) value, chosen as one of the defined EBCDIC two-character values.
COUNTRY (HSHSPB default distributed) The default for the Country-id (DBCNICID) value, chosen as null or one of the defined EBCDIC two-character values.
RR (HSHSPB default distributed) The default for the Return-result-to value, chosen as either 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.
RSO 'N' The default for the Result-sets-OK value, chosen as either 'N' or 'Y'.
TSP '8' The default for the Timing-precision (DBCITSP) value, chosen as a value between 0 and 20.
CIN 'O' The default for the Column-info value, chosen as either 'O' or 'E'.