HSHSPB Source Default Settings that are Safe to Change - Teradata Tools and Utilities

Teradata® Call-Level Interface Version 2 Reference for Mainframe-Attached Systems

Teradata Tools and Utilities
Release Number
June 2021
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

The default for the following values can be safely changed for any application:

Keyword Default Description
MVSTDP 'TDP0' The default for the Input-TDP-path (DBCNITDP) value when executing under z/OS, chosen as an EBCDIC four-character value beginning with TDP.
IBODLYW 'Y' The default for the Wait-during-delay (DBODLYN) option, chosen as either 'Y' or 'N'. 
(The deprecated keyword IBOCRSW is equivalent to IBODLYN.)
IBOFSVB 'Y' The default for the Save-response-buffer (DBOFSVB) option, chosen as either 'Y' or 'N'.
IBO2FBU 'Y' The default for the Two-response-buffers (DBO2FBU) option, chosen as either 'Y' or 'N'.
IBORTS 'N' The default for the Return-time (DBORTS) option, chosen as either 'Y' or 'N'.
IBCSMAX 16 The default for the Anticipated-number-of-concurrent-sessions (DBCISMAX) value, chosen as a value between 1 and 999.
IBCRBRL 1024 The default for the Request-buffer-length (DBCIRBRL) value, chosen as a value between 256 and 2147483639.
IBCFBRL 1024 The default for the Response-buffer-length (DBCIFBRL) value, chosen as a value between 256 and 32767, 65535, or 2147483639. The actual maximum depends upon the setting of the Maximum-parcel option.
IBODEN 'N' The default for the Data-encryption (DBRIDEN) option, chosen as either 'Y' or 'N'.
RCD 'N' The default for the Refresh-cached-data (DBRIRCD) option, chosen as either 'Y' or 'N'.
IBORPF 'D' The default for the Request-parcel-format (DBRIRPF) option, chosen as either 'A' or 'O'. 
(The deprecated value 'D' is now equivalent to 'A'.)
IBOTRAK 'N' For diagnostic use under the direction of Teradata Support personnel, the status of internal CLIv2 tracking, chosen as either 'N', 'I', 'E', or 'A'.
IBOTRPG 0 For diagnostic use under the direction of Teradata Support personnel, the number of 4096byte areas to be used for internal CLIv2 tracking, chosen as a value from 0 to 255.
IBOTRCM '00000000' For diagnostic use under the direction of Teradata Support personnel, the component mask for CLIv2 internal tracking, chosen as an eight character hexadecimal value.
DUI 'N' The default for the Delegate-user-identity value, chosen as either 'N' or 'Y'.