DBCHQE - Call-Level Interface Version 2

Teradata® Call-Level Interface Version 2 Reference for Workstation-Attached Systems

Call-Level Interface Version 2
Release Number
June 2020
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

DBCHQE is a query facility that lets you request system default information from the database prior to logging on, thereby allowing you to make changes before starting a session.

The Session Character Set, which is obtained on per-session basis, can be obtained only after a session has been logged on.


DBCHQE (ReturnCode, ContextArea,DBCHQEP)
Int32 *ReturnCode
Int32 *ContextArea

where the following is true:

The parameter... Is the...
ReturnCode Four-byte address of an area allocated by the application program for storage of a four-byte signed integer.
ContextArea Four-byte address not used by CLI. It is provided to maintain compatibility with the mainframe.
DBCHQEP Four-byte address of the DBCHQEP structure.

Some of this structure needs to be filled in by the application program to request query information. The results of the query is sent back to the application in this structure.

DBCHQEP Structure

Fields Data Type Description
qepLevel unsigned char Unassigned numeric format of the parameter list. Supported values are:
  • 1 – The default character set is returned. The application should specify dbcname in qepTDP while using this option. Applications should use this level for querying any other information.
  • 2 – The character set specified for that particular session is returned. The application should specify the session number in qepConn.
  • 129 – (QEPL10NLVL1) Same as level 1. Additionally, uses new fields defined in DBCHQEP structure to give localized CLI error information.
  • 130 – (QEPL10NLVL2) Same as level 2. Additionally, uses new fields defined in DBCHQEP structure to give localized CLI error information.
qepItem unsigned char For valid item codes and their descriptions, see the The qepItem Field.
qepTLen unsigned short Must be set to the TDPID length and TDPID name (dbcname) used for the query.
qepTDP long Must be set to the TDPID length and TDPID name (dbcname) used for the query.
qepRsv1[4] char Reserved
qepRALen unsigned short Unsigned numeric length of the area in which the result of the query is returned. Supplied by caller.
qepRDLen unsigned short Unsigned numeric length of the data returned. CLI writes into this field the length of the data it returned in qepRArea.

Set to the length of the data returned (up to the size of the area as specified by the qepRALen field).

*qepRArea void Pointer to the area in which the result of the query is returned.

The length of this area is set by the application in qepRALen.

qepRsv2 unsigned short Reserved
qepMLen unsigned short Reserved
qepMsg char Reserved
qepConn long Session number
qepMLid char[2] Specify the language to be used for any CLI error message associated with the request.
  • EN for English
  • JA for Japanese
*qepMsgP char Pointer to an area into which any error message is placed. Area is allocated by the application.
qepMsgM unsigned short Unsigned numeric length, in bytes, of the area pointed to by QepMsgP.
qepRC unsigned short Unsigned numeric CLI return code that occurred while processing the DBCHQEP.
qepRMRC unsigned short Unsigned numeric CLI return code for any error that occurred while constructing the message.
  • 1 – overflow
  • 4 – Langid used is not supported.

    Message is returned in English

  • 2 – CLI is not able to build the message because qepMsgP is not provided by the application.
  • 0 – Built the message successfully.

If two errors occur simultaneously, then the result returned is a bit-wise ‘or’ of the two return codes. For example, if langid used is default and overflow occurred while returning the message, the output will be:

QEPRC = 2 | 1 = 3

qepRMLen unsigned short Unsigned numeric length, in bytes, of the message returned in the area addressed by QEPMSGP.

The qepItem Field

qepItem must be set to a value indicating the type of request, as follows:

Fields Value Description
QEPIIID 1 Not supported
QEPISC 2 Returns the name of the default session character set. The return area must be at least 30 bytes because DBCHQE returns a 30-byte character string containing the default character set. All other requests need only a one-byte response area.

Refers to the session whose CLIv2 session number is specified in the qepConn field.

QEPIFTSM 3 Transaction Semantics

Returns 'N' or 'Y' to the area pointed to by qepRArea to indicate support for Teradata transaction semantics.

Refers to the database system whose TDP identifier is addressed by the qepTDP field and has length specified by the qepTLen field.

QEPIFLCS 4 Language Conformance
Returns the following values to the area pointed to by qepRArea to indicate what type of SQL is supported:
  • 'Y' – Standard SQL and Teradata SQL are supported.
  • 'N' – Only Teradata SQL is supported.

Refers to the database system whose TDP identifier is addressed by the qepTDP field and has length specified by the qepTLen field.

QEPIFUCR 5 Updatable Cursor

Returns 'N' or 'Y' to the area pointed to by qepRArea to indicate support for updatable cursors.

Refers to the database system whose TDP identifier is addressed by the qepTDP field and has length specified by the qepTLen field.

QEPIFRFI 6 Referential Integrity

Returns 'N' or 'Y' to the area pointed to by qepRArea to indicate support for referential integrity.

Refers to the database system whose TDP identifier is addressed by the qepTDP field and has length specified by the qepTLen field.

QEPIDTSM 7 Returns the default transaction semantics, a one-byte character (A or T), for the identified database to the area pointed to by qepRArea.

Refers to the database system whose TDP identifier is addressed by the qepTDP field and has length specified by the qepTLen field.

QEP64K 8 64K Parcels

Returns 'N' or 'Y' to the area pointed to by qepRArea to indicate support for 64K parcels.

Refers to the database system whose TDP identifier is addressed by the qepTDP field and has length specified by the qepTLen field.

QEPICL2R 9 Release Identifier

Returns the release identifier for the CLI being used.

The release identifier is an 11-character value consisting of the two-character major release identifier, the two-character minor release identifier, and the two-character maintenance release identifier, each separated by periods. The last three characters are often blank, but if they are not, they are a period delimiter followed by the two-character E-tape identifier.

The intent of the data is not to deduce CLI functionality, but simply to provide the current CLI release identification.
QEPISPF 10 Parallelism

Returns a dimensionless value that indicates the extent of parallel processing used internally by the server as a four-byte unsigned integer to the area pointed by qepRArea.

  • The exact meaning of this factor should be considered an implementation detail internal to the database. Its utility to a normal application is limited to comparisons of the parallelism of different servers.
  • QEPIDPF is now considered deprecated.
QEPIDMSS 11 Maximum Parcel Size

Returns a four-byte value that indicates the maximum size allowed for a segment supported by the server. Segments are used to subdivide special purpose requests that exceed the maximum parcel size.

QEPITDPR 12 Mainframe Compatibility

This query level is for mainframe compatibility only. On workstation-attached clients, this query results in CLI Error 354 (NOQINFO), "The requested query information is unavailable".

QEPIFSSO 13 Single Sign-On

Returns 'N' or 'Y' to the area pointed to by qepRArea to indicate support for single sign-on.

Refers to the database system whose TDP identifier is addressed by the qepTDP field and has length specified by the qepTLen field.

QEPISU 14 Authentication

Returns the actual database username of a user logged in using single sign-on or third-party authentication mechanism (such as LDAP).

Refers to the numeric session id indicated by qepConn.


Returns 'N' or 'Y' to the area pointed to by qepRArea to indicate support for Atomic UPSERT.

Refers to the database system whose TDP identifier is addressed by the qepTDP field and has length specified by the qepTLen field.

QEPIAOP 16 Array Operations

Returns 'N' or 'Y' to the area pointed to by qepRArea to indicate support for ARRAY OPERATIONS. The length of qepRArea should be at least 1 byte.

Refers to the database system whose TDP identifier is addressed by the qepTDP field and has length specified by the qepTLen field.


Returns 'N' or 'Y' to the area pointed to by qepRArea to indicate support for MERGE_INTO. The length of the qepRArea should be at least 1 byte.

Refers to the database system whose TDP identifier is addressed by the qepTDP field and has length specified by the qepTLen field.


Returns 'N' or 'Y' to the area pointed to by qepRArea to indicate support for LOB support.

Refers to the database system whose TDP identifier is addressed by the qepTDP field and has length specified by the qepTLen field.

QEPITPR 19 Timing Precision

Returns the minimum and maximum values for timing-precision supported by client platform, as two signed, 2-byte fields.

The QEPTDP is ignored. The length of the qepRArea should be at least 4 bytes.

QEPIXRS 20 Extended Response

Returns 'N' or 'Y' to the area pointed to by qepRArea to indicate support for extended message response. The length of the qepRArea should be at least 1 byte.

Refers to the database system whose TDP identifier is addressed by the qepTDP field and has length specified by the qepTLen field.

QEPIEPU 21 APH Request
Returns one of the following to the area pointed to by qepRArea:
  • 1 – Supports APH
  • 0 – Does not support APH

The length of the qepRArea must be at least 2 bytes.

Refers to the database system whose TDP identifier is addressed by the qepTDP field and has length specified by the qepTLen field.

QEPIUD 23 Utility-data support

Refers to the database system whose TDP identifier is addressed by the qepTDP field. The length of the qepRArea should be at least 4 bytes.

The returned 6-byte value contains:
  • First byte – 'Y' or 'N' for the existing Checkpoint-Interval support of the identified Teradata server.
  • Second byte – 'Y' or 'N' for the TASM Utility Workload support of the identified Teradata server.
  • Third and fourth byte – Two-byte unsigned integer 0 or 1 for FastExport Without Spooling support of the identified Teradata server.
  • Fifth and sixth bytes – Two-byte unsigned integer 0 or 1 for Extended Load Usage support of the identified Teradata server.
QEPIASL 24 Aggregate Support List
Returns a list of values that indicate support for multiple features. The list consists of 1-byte values equal to those returned by the following query items, in order:
  • QEPIFTSM (Transaction Semantics)
  • QEPIFLCS (Language Conformance)
  • QEPIFUCR (Updatable Cursor)
  • QEPIFRFI (Referential Integrity)
  • QEP64K (64K parcels)
  • QEPIFSSO (Single Sign-On)
    When connecting to a Teradata Database older than V2R6.0, this field does not contain the correct value unless a session has been established.
  • QEPIAOP (Array Operations)
  • QEPIXRS (Extended Response)
  • (reserved)
  • QEPIEPU (APH request)
  • QEPIRPO (Cursor Positioning)
  • QEPIESS (Obsolete)
  • QEPIAPH (APH response)
  • QEPIRCA (Relaxed Call Argument)
  • QEPISIS (Statement Info parcel)
  • QEPIIDE (Large Integer/Decimal)
  • QEPIRID (Insert returns data when identity columns are involved)
  • QEPIDRS (ResultSet)
  • QEPIPD (Default Connection)
  • QEPITSS (Trusted Sessions)
  • QEPILNS (LOB Name)
  • QEPICCS (Column Correlation)
  • QEPITOU (UDT TransformsOff support)
  • QEPISSU (ESS Level support)

The length of the qepRArea should be at least 29 bytes. A length of 64 bytes is recommended.

Refers to the database system whose TDP identifier is addressed by the qepTDP field and has length specified by the qepTLen field.

QEPIRPO 25 Cursor Positioning

Returns 'N' or 'Y' to the area pointed to by qepRArea to indicate support for cursor positioning. The length of the qepRArea should be at least 1 byte.

Refers to the database system whose TDP identifier is addressed by the qepTDP field and has length specified by the qepTLen field.

QEPIENC 26 Data Encryption

Returns 'N' or 'Y' to indicate whether encryption is both supported and enabled on the database server to which the session is connected.

Refers to the session whose CLIv2 session number is specified in the qepConn field.

QEPIRMR 27 CLI Information

Returns the CLIv2 release identifier and any customization information for the message table used for the session whose CLIv2 connection number is specified in the qepConn field and the request whose CLIv2 request number is specified in the QEPRQST field.

The length of the returned information is up to 48 ASCII characters, consisting of one or two identifiers separated by a comma.

QEPIACS 28 Character Sets

Returns the names of the character sets available on the database specified by the TDP identifier addressed by the qepTidp field and has length specified by the qepTlen field.

The length of the response is four fixed fields followed by a variable number of character set names. Returns as many whole character set names as will fit into the response area whose length is indicated by qepRalen. If all names are not returned, one of the following queries (that specify the returned token) can be issued to indicate the processing of additional names:
  • qeracsTk – Four-byte token to be placed into qepToken to retrieve any additional character set names. The content of the token is undefined and must not be altered by the application.
  • qeracsNR – Two-byte unsigned integer that indicates the number of character set names not returned.
  • qeracsNP – Two-byte unsigned integer that indicates the number of character set names returned.
  • qeracsLn – Two-byte unsigned integer that indicates the length of each character set name.
QEPIESS 29 Obsolete, use QEPISSU (56)

Returns 'Y' or 'N' to indicate support for user-defined types.

QEPIAPH 31 APH Response

Returns to the area pointed to by qepRArea a numeric value or 0 to indicate support for APH responses.

Refers to the TDP identifier addressed by the qepTDP field and has length specified by the qepTLen field.

QEPIALM 32 Mechanisms
Returns a list of supported mechanism names:
  • qeralmTk – Four-byte token to be placed into QEPTOKEN to retrieve any additional mechanism names. The content of the token is undefined and must not be altered by the application.
  • qeralmNR – Two-byte unsigned integer that indicates the number of mechanism names not returned.
  • qeralmNP – Two-byte unsigned integer that indicates the number of mechanism names returned.
  • qeralmLn – Two-byte unsigned integer that indicates the length of each mechanism name and associated flags.
QEPIDCS 33 Default Character Set

Returns the default character set of the database as 30 single-byte characters in the platform character set (ASCII), left-justified, and padded with blanks.

The caller of DBCHQE must supply a return area with a length of at least 30 bytes.

This field is not returned as a string, so the caller needs to insert a null terminator in the first blank location prior to attempting to write the field to output through print.
QEPIDBR 34 Database Information
Returns database release and version information in two contiguous fields using slightly different formats:
  • 30 single-byte characters in the platform character set (ASCII), left-justified, and padded with blanks, for example, V2R.06.01c.00.00.
  • Immediately following, 32 single-byte characters in the platform character set (ASCII), left-justified, and padded with blanks, for example, 06.01c.00.00.

The caller of DBCHQE must supply a return area with a length of at least 62 bytes.

  • Neither field is returned as a string, so the caller needs to insert a null terminator in the first blank location prior to attempting to write the field to output through print.
  • The intent of the data is not to deduce database functionality, but simply to provide the release and version information for diagnostic use. The values should not be parsed for any reason since their format is subject to change.
QEPIC2L 35 CLI Limits

Returns limits for the database affecting an application's values for CLIv2 settings. The response consists of four fields totaling 32 bytes.

The caller of DBCHQE (QEPIC2L) must supply a return area of at least 32 bytes. A structure mapping (struct QEPCLLIMIT_) is supplied in dbchqep.h for the convenience of users.


Returns limits for the database affecting an application's use of SQL statements. The response consists of 28 fields totaling 128 bytes.

The caller of DBCHQE (QEPISQL) must supply a return area of at least 104 bytes. A structure mapping (struct QEPDBLIMIT_) is supplied in dbchqep.h for the convenience of users.

QEPIRCA 37 Relaxed Call Argument

Returns an indicator which can be used to determine whether the target server supports the Relaxed Call Argument feature.

DBCHQE will return 'Y' if server supports this feature and 'N' if it does not (using ASCII characters).

The caller of DBCHQE must supply a return area with a length of at least one byte.

QEPISIS 38 StatementInformation Parcels

Returns 'Y' or 'N' to indicate support of StatementInformation parcels.

QEPIIDE 39 Large Integer/Decimal

Returns 'Y' or 'N' to indicate support for the Large Integer/Decimal feature.

A returned value of 'Y' indicates that the server supports this feature. A returned value of 'N' or any non-zero return code indicates that the server does not support this feature. Returned values are in ASCII.

QEPIIDE requires a return area of at least one byte and a target TDPid.

This query item is also included in the aggregate support list.

QEPIRID 40 Defines whether data may be returned in response to an SQL Insert operation when Identity columns are involved.

A returned value of 'Y' indicates that the server supports this feature. A returned value of 'N' or any non-zero return code indicates that the server does not support this feature. Returned values are in ASCII.

QEPIRID requires a return area of at least one byte and a target TDPid.

This query item is also included in the aggregate support list.

QEPIDRS 41 ResultSet

Returns 'Y' or 'N' to indicate whether stored procedures may return the results of their SQL statements to the application.

QEPIQBS 42 Query Band

Returns 'Y' or 'N' to indicate support for the SQL SET QUERY_BAND statement.


Returns 'Y' or 'N' to indicate support for the SQL MERGE INTO statement.

QEPILEU 44 Logging Errors

Returns 'Y' or 'N' to indicate support for the Teradata SQL LOGGING ERRORS clause.

QEPIPD 45 Default Connection

Returns 'Y' or 'N' to indicate support for the Default Connection feature.

The caller must supply a return area with a length of at least one byte.

QEPISCS 46 Session Character Set

Returns the name of the session character set. The return area must be at least 30 bytes because DBCHQE returns a 30-byte character string that contains the character set.

Refers to the session whose CLIv2 session number is specified in the qepConn field.

QEPICCS 47 Column Correlation

Returns 'Y' or 'N' to indicate support for the Column Correlation feature.

QEPIUS 48 Utility Session
Returns the following values:
  • byte 0-1:
    • Any 2-byte integer – The unformatted database node-id associated with the session.
    • 0 – The node-id is not available.
  • Byte 2-7: Reserved
  • Byte 8-15: 8-byte UInt64 (average actual send throughput in bytes/sec)
  • Byte 16-23: 8-byte UInt64 (average actual receive throughput in bytes/sec)
  • Byte 24-31: 8-byte UInt64 (average effective send throughput in bytes/sec)
  • Byte 32-39: 8-byte UInt64 (average effective receive throughput in bytes/sec)

An actual throughput is calculated as data/transmission time.

An effective throughput is calculated as data/session time.

Refers to the session whose CLIv2 session is specified in the qepConn field. Utility-session is used by proprietary Teradata utilities, and is not intended for other applications.

QEPIDAP 49 Returns the database access path

A database access path is a variable-length string that contains the fully qualified domain name and its associated IP address and port number.

The following possibilities are equally valid as the prefix for a logon string. Accordingly, the query result consists of one variable-length value. The port number (server side) is always returned following the machine name, FQDN, or IP address, separated by the conventional colon:
  • If a dbcname is used (for example, a machine name sans domain), a dbcname is returned.
  • If a fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) is used, an FQDN is returned.
  • If an IP address was used, an IP address is returned.
QEPITSS 50 Trusted Sessions

Returns 'Y' or 'N' to indicate support for the Trusted Sessions feature.

QEPILNS 51 LOB-Name-support

Determines whether a DEFERRED LOB can be identified by name.

Returns whether the BY NAME phrase is permitted in the USING row descriptor in the request string.

Returns 'Y' or 'N' to indicate support for the LOB-Name-support feature

QEPITOU 52 UDT-TransformsOff-support

The caller of DBCHQE (QEPITOU) must supply a return area of at least two bytes and a target TDPid.

The returned value containing one of the following values:
  • 0 – Indicates that no UDTs can be transformed.
  • 1 – Indicates that UDTs can be transferred in the untransformed mode.
  • 2 – Indicates that Period data type can be transformed. The database will accept from the client either PERIOD Struct metadata and data values, or non-Struct PERIOD metadata and data values.
QEPITRS 53 Trusted-request-support

Defines whether the database supports trusted sessions enhancement for the trusted-request option.

A returned value of 'Y' indicates that the server supports this feature. A returned value of 'N' or any non-zero return code indicates that the server does not support this feature.

The caller of DBCHQE (QEPITRS) must supply a return area of one byte and a target TDPid.

This query item is not included in the aggregate support list.

QEPIBI 54 Build-information

Returns a list of six values that indicate support for multiple features.

The list consists of 1-byte values equal to those returned by the following query items, in order:
  • columnInfo
  • StatementInfo
  • Not Used (reserved)
  • arrayTransformsOff
  • xmlResponseFormat
  • tasmFastFailReq

A returned value of 'Y' indicates that the server supports this feature. A returned value of 'N' or any non-zero return code indicates that the server does not support this feature.

The caller of DBCHQE(QEPIBI) must supply a return area of at least six bytes.

Refers to the session whose CLIv2 session number is specified in the qepConn field.

QEPISES 55 Statement-Independence-support

Defines whether the database supports Statement Independence feature.

A returned value of 'Y' indicates that the server supports this feature. A returned value of 'N' or any non-zero return code indicates that the server does not support this feature.

The caller of DBCHQE (QEPISES) must supply a return area of one byte and a target TDPid.

This query item is not included in the aggregate support list.

QEPISSU 56 Enhanced Statement Status level support

Returns a byte indicating ESS level support. The length of the qepRArea should be at least 1 byte.

Refers to the TDP identifier addressed by the qepTDP field and has length specified by the qepTLen field.

QEPIILB 57 SLOB support
The length of the response is six bytes as follows:
  • First byte - 'Y' or 'N' for LOB support
  • Second byte - 'Y' or 'N' for LOB Name support
  • Third and fourth bytes - A two-byte unsigned integer 1 or 0 for SLOB Client-to-Server support
  • Fifth and sixth bytes - A two-byte unsigned integer 1 or 0 for SLOB Server-to-Client support
QEPIUPT 58 Unicode Pass Through

Refers to the server whose TDP identifier is addressed by the qepTDP field.

The length of the qepRArea should be at least 2 bytes. The returned two-byte value contains:
  • Two-byte unsigned integer 0 indicates no Unicode Pass Through support.
  • Two-byte unsigned integer 1 indicates Unicode Pass Through level 1 support.
QEPISTT 60 Transform Group for Type support

The length of the qepRArea should be at least 2 bytes.

The returned two-byte value contains:
  • Two-byte unsigned integer 0 indicates that the server does not support this feature.
  • Two-byte unsigned integer 1 indicates that the server supports this feature.

Refers to the server whose TDP identifier addressed by the qepTDP field and has length specified by the qepTLen field.


An application can use CLIv2-limits to choose CLIv2 settings to optimize its execution for the accessed database, or to prevent errors caused by exceeding limits. Return limits for the database affect an application's values for CLIv2 settings. The response consists of four fields totaling 32 bytes.

Item Code Mnemonic DBQERC2L (DbqerC2L for C)
Fields Value
  • MaxRequestBytes
  • MaxSegRequestBytes
  • MaxUsingDataBytes
  • MaxResponseBytes
  • An eight-byte unsigned integer.
  • An eight-byte unsigned integer.
  • An eight-byte unsigned integer.
  • An eight-byte unsigned integer.
The caller of DBCHQE (QEPIC2L) must supply a return area of at least 32 bytes. A structure mapping (struct QEPCLLIMIT_) is supplied in dbchqep.h for the convenience of users.


An application can use SQL-limits to construct SQL statements to optimize its execution for the accessed database, or to prevent errors caused by exceeding limits.

Return limits for the database affect an application's use of SQL statements. The response consists of 28 fields totaling 128 bytes.

Item Code Mnemonic DBQERSQL (DbqerSQL for C)
Fields Value
  • MaxRowBytes
  • MaxLobBytes
  • MaxObjectNameChars
  • MaxColinTbl
  • MaxTblinSel
  • MaxColinSel
  • MaxColGrpBy
  • MaxColOrdrBy
  • MaxCharLiteralChars
  • MaxBinLiteralChars
  • MaxColBytes
  • MaxCharChars
  • MaxVarcharChars
  • MaxGraphicChars
  • MaxVargraphicChars
  • MaxByteBytes
  • MaxVarbyteBytes
  • MaxDecimal
  • MaxTimeScale
  • MaxTimeStampScale
  • MaxIntervalToSecondScale
  • MaxFldsUsingRow
  • MaxParamsInRequest
  • MaxSPParams
  • MaxDeferredByNameFileSpec
  • MaxRequestTextBytes
  • MaxJSONBytes;
  • MaxAvailBytesInRespRow
  • MaxNumRecInIteratedReq
  • An eight-byte unsigned integer.
  • An eight-byte unsigned integer.
  • A four-byte unsigned integer.
  • A four-byte unsigned integer.
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  • An eight-byte unsigned integer.
  • An four-byte unsigned integer.
The caller of DBCHQE (QEPISQL) must supply a return area of at least 120 bytes. A structure mapping (struct QEPDBLIMIT_) is supplied in dbchqep.h for the convenience of users.