If you are making major OS changes when you are upgrading the DSA packages, use a VM&F upgrade.
A VM&F upgrade automatically reboots the server. For all other upgrades, a reboot of the server is not required.
Check whether the PUT version running on your system is the latest PUT release.
- Find the PUT version running on your system.
- Determine the latest PUT release.
If you do not have the latest version of PUT running on your system:
- Download new PUT packages.
- Upgrade PUT.
- Create a target directory.
Download or copy the latest software packages. DSC, DSAPostAMQ, ClientHandler, BARCmdline, and BARPortlets must be on the same version.
Upgrade Type Description Base release to an eFix Downloading Software Packages One base release to another Copy the contents of the DSA CD to a directory on the BAR server. - Insert the Teradata staging media into the drive.
- Perform the mount by typing the following at the command line: mount /dev/dvd /media 2.
- Copy the files from the staging media to the server: cp -r /media /var/opt/teradata/packages/DSA.
Ensure that the dsainputs file is available in the /tmp directory.
Important: DSCNAME must be specified for an upgrade or the repository restore from the previous version will fail. Analyze_read jobs may also fail.
If you are upgrading to DSA 15.11 or later, change the following parameters in the dsainputs file or the ClientHandler configuration will be corrupt:
If you are upgrading to DSA 16.20 or later, you must include the following new parameters:
- Install the new release of DSA software on the BAR servers as you did initially. However, in the Network Subnet Selection, select the Ethernet interface where all of the BAR servers are configured.