Install and Configure BAR NC on TPA Nodes | Teradata Data Mover - Installing and Configuring BAR NC on TPA Nodes - Teradata Data Mover

Teradata® Data Mover Installation, Configuration, and Upgrade Guide for Customers

Teradata Data Mover
Release Number
November 30, 2021
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Analytical Ecosystem
  1. Run build_dsainputs on one of the following servers, depending on which DSA configuration you are using:
    DSA Configuration Server
    Bundled DSA Data Mover server
    External DSA External DSC server

    Copy the build_dsainputs script to the external DSC server and run from there. The script can be copied to and run from any directory.

  2. Create a dsainputs file for the TPA node using the build_dsainputs tool.
    The build_dsainputs tool creates the /tmp/dsainputs files for SMP and MPP databases. It optionally transfers the files to the TPA nodes if the user with write access to the /tmp directory is specified with the -u option. An identity file that contains a private key can also be specified with the -i option.
    The following example shows the output when no parameters are provided when running build_dsainputs:
    # ./build_dsainputs
    Usage: build_dsainputs -d | -m <media_server_hostname>[,<media_server_hostname>...] | [-i <identity_file> -u <userid>] | [-u <userid>] | -h
       Run this utility on the DSC server to create /tmp/dsainputs file(s) for the DSC or media server(s).
       -d  Creates a /tmp/dsainputs file for the DSC server.
       -m  Creates /tmp/dsainputs file(s) for a media server. Run this script one time for each Teradata
           system. Specify 1 host for an SMP System, or a comma separated list for an MPP System. Creates a
           /tmp/dsainputs.<media_server_hostname> file for each host in the list. The /tmp/dsainputs files must be
           copied to ther corresponding host before installing the ClientHandler rpm.
             1) ./build_dsainputs -m devsys
             Creates /tmp/dsainputs.devsys for SMP system 'devsys'. Copy this files to the corresponding
             database host and rename to /tmp/dsainputs before installing the ClientHandler rpm.
             2) ./build_dsainputs -m kiwi1,kiwi2
             Creates dsainputs files for a 2 node MPP system with hosts kiwi1 and kiwi2. The following
             files are created: /tmp/dsainputs.kiwi1, /tmp/dsainputs.kiwi2. Copy these files to the
             corresponding database hosts (rename to /tmp/dsainputs) before installing the ClientHandler rpm.
           Optionally the /tmp/dsainputs files will be coppied to their respective hosts if either
           the -i or -u options are provided:
       -i  (Optional) When used with the -m option this specifies the identify_file (that contains the private key)
           that will be used along with the userid (provided with the -u option) to scp the /tmp/dsainput(s) files
           to their respective hosts. The -u option must be provided when the -i option is included.
           Example:  ./build_dsainputs -m kiwi1,kiwi2 -i ./my_identity_file -u ec2-user
       -u  (Optional) When used with the -m option this specifies the userid that will be used to scp the /tmp/dsainput(s)
           files to their respective host(s). Note that if you are using this without the -i option and password-less SSH
           is not configured then you will be prompted for a password for each file transfer.
           Example:  ./build_dsainputs -m kiwi1,kiwi2 -u root
       -h  Displays usage help
    The following example shows running build_dsainputs for a 4-node MPP system. The -u option has been provided to transfer the files to the individual TPA nodes:
    # ./build_dsainputs -m kiwi1,kiwi2,kiwi3,kiwi4 -u root
    Generating /tmp/dsainputs.kiwi1 - copy this file to /tmp/dsainputs on kiwi1 before installing the ClientHandler rpm.
    Generating /tmp/dsainputs.kiwi2 - copy this file to /tmp/dsainputs on kiwi2 before installing the ClientHandler rpm.
    Generating /tmp/dsainputs.kiwi3 - copy this file to /tmp/dsainputs on kiwi3 before installing the ClientHandler rpm.
    Generating /tmp/dsainputs.kiwi4 - copy this file to /tmp/dsainputs on kiwi4 before installing the ClientHandler rpm.
    Transferring /tmp/dsainputs file to kiwi1.
    dsainputs.kiwi1                                                                                                                                              100%  349     0.3KB/s   00:00    
    Transferring /tmp/dsainputs file to kiwi2.
    dsainputs.kiwi2                                                                                                                                              100%  348     0.3KB/s   00:00    
    Transferring /tmp/dsainputs file to kiwi3.
    dsainputs.kiwi3                                                                                                                                              100%  348     0.3KB/s   00:00    
    Transferring /tmp/dsainputs file to kiwi4.
    • For an MPP system, nodes listed in the media server with the -m option must resolve to IPs that are reachable from each MPP TPA node.
    • When you are running the tool on an SMP system, only a single file generation and transfer message appears.
  3. Install the DSA ClientHandler RPM on the TPA nodes.
    For more information, see Teradata® Data Stream Utility Installation, Configuration, and Upgrade Guide, B035-3153.
    If you are installing the clienthandler on the command line instead of using PUT, use the rpm -ivh ClientHandler*.rpm command instead of the bundled script. If you use the bundled script on the command line, the /tmp/dsainputs property settings are overwritten and you must remove the ClientHandler using rpm -e and then start over with step 1 to create the dsainputs file for the TPA node.
  4. Perform the following steps to update the operating system on the BAR NC TPA nodes:
    1. Adjust the following operating system tunable parameters on the TPA nodes where BAR NC is running:
      net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog to 16384 (default 2048)
      net.core.somaxconn to 16384 (default 128)
    2. Run the following commands on the TPA nodes to incorporate changes immediately:
      # echo 16384 > /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn
      # echo 16384 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_max_syn_backlog
    3. Restart the ClientHandler on those TPA nodes:
      # /etc/init.d/clienthandler restart
    4. Modify the sysctl.conf with the following values to make the values persistent at startup:
      Teradata recommends incorporating these changes to avoid network communication issues between DSMain and BAR NC. See KB0016835 for more details.