NetBackup requires the backup IDs associated with the save set when save set images are being transferred. To get the IDs, you must query, then list the backup IDs.
You can use the query_nbu_backupids command in this procedure, or the query_backupids command to retrieve NetBackup backup IDs.
- Type dsc query_nbu_backupids -n name . cbar6:/ # dsc query_nbu_backupids -n SDBA_Weekly In the example, NetBackup is queried for the backup IDs associated with the SDBA_Weekly save set. The IDs are stored in the DSC repository.
To list the backup IDs, type list_query_nbu_backupids -n name
cbar6:/ # dsc list_query_nbu_backupids -n SDBA_Weekly
The following example resulted from the query to list backup IDs associated with the SDBA_Weekly save set.
Data Stream Controller Command Line Command parameters: -name : SDBA_Weekly Connected to DSC version Listing query NBU backup ids... Job Name: SDBA_Weekly Job Execution Id: 1 Media Server: cbar6 Backup ID Logical File Name File Size Date --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cbar6_1413483708 SDBA_Weekly_1_1_file10_data_1413483639839 98.3 MB 10/16/14 11:21:48 AM cbar6_1413483668 SDBA_Weekly_1_1_file11_data_1413483639839 104 MB 10/16/14 11:21:08 AM cbar6_1413483720 SDBA_Weekly_1_1_file12_data_1413483639839 102 MB 10/16/14 11:22:00 AM cbar6_1413483666 SDBA_Weekly_1_1_file13_data_1413483639839 92.4 MB 10/16/14 11:21:06 AM cbar6_1413483675 SDBA_Weekly_1_1_file14_data_1413483639839 100 MB 10/16/14 11:21:15 AM cbar6_1413483673 SDBA_Weekly_1_1_file15_data_1413483639839 95.1 MB 10/16/14 11:21:13 AM ……. cbar6_1413483711 SDBA_Weekly_1_1_file95_data_1413483639839 103 MB 10/16/14 11:21:51 AM cbar6_1413483715 SDBA_Weekly_1_1_file96_data_1413483639839 101 MB 10/16/14 11:21:55 AM cbar6_1413483709 SDBA_Weekly_1_1_file9_data_1413483639839 98.8 MB 10/16/14 11:21:49 AM cbar6_1413483647 SDBA_Weekly_1_1_file_dict_1413483639839 88.4 KB 10/16/14 11:20:47 AM
The SDBA_Weekly save set was generated from a 96 stream backup job. There are 97 backup IDs associated with the save set: 96 data stream files and 1 dictionary stream file.