Restoring DBC and User Data - Data Stream Architecture

Teradata Data Stream Architecture (DSA) User Guide

Data Stream Architecture
Release Number
November 2017
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities
You must create two restore jobs, one for DBC only and one for all DBC User Data.
Before you create a restore job, a backup job must have been completed successfully or run with a warning.
  1. On the target system, run the DBS Database Initializing Program (DIP) and execute the following:
    • For Teradata Database 15.0 and higher, run DIPMIG script, which runs DIPERRS, DIPDB, DIPVIEWS, DIPVIEWSV, and DIPBAR.
    • For Teradata Database 14.10, run DIPERRS, DIPVIEWS, and DIPBAR scripts (1, 4, and 21).
  2. Check the activation status of the system running SYSINIT and perform one of the following:
  3. Start DSMain on the target system from the Database Window (DBW) console supervisor screen by entering: start bardsmain
  4. After bardsmain has started, activate the system by running the following command: dsc enable_component – n Tivtera –t SYSTEM.
  5. Enable logons for the DBC user only. On the target system, enter the following from the DBW console supervisor screen: enable dbc logons
  6. Create a DBC-Only restore job, excluding all children of DBC, for example: dsc create_job -n Restore-DBC-Only -f RestoreDBCOnlyJob.xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <dscCreateJob xmlns="">
            <job_description>Restore DBC only and exclude all child objects</job_description>
            <backup_name> DBC-Only </backup_name>
        <source_media>1_5_drives </source_media>
  7. When prompted, enter login credentials:
    Option Description
    Target username Current DBC user for the target DBS.
    Target password Current DBC password for the target DBS.
    Is this Restore job a DBC restore? y.
    Username for the backup dbc.
    Password for the backup DBC password of the source system at the time the backup saveset was generated.
  8. Run the job. dsc run_job -n Restore-DBC-Only After the DBC restore job is complete, the DBC password is set to the DBC password of the source system. The DBC database must restore successfully before you can restore user data.
  9. Create a DBC-All restore job for user data, including all children of DBC, for example: dsc create_job -n Restore-DBC-All -f RestoreDBCAllJob.xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <dscCreateJob xmlns="">
            <job_description>Restore user data and all objects in DBC</job_description>
  10. When prompted, enter login credentials and run job. dsc run_job -n Restore-DBC-All
  11. On the target system, run the DIP and execute the DIPALL script.
  12. On the target system, from the DBW console supervisor screen, enable logons for all users.