If the Time Zone setting is enabled on the destination system, disable the setting before restoring DBC database.
On the destination system, locate the tdlocaledef.txt file that was used to enable the Time Zone setting, and access that directory. For example:
# locate tdlocaledef.txt /opt/teradata/tdat/tdbms/ # cd /opt/teradata/tdat/tdbms/
Save a copy of the current tdlocaledef.txt file. For example:
# cp tdlocaledef.txt tdlocaledef.txt.orig
In tdlocaledef.txt, remove the value for the TimeZoneString property, leaving only the quotation marks. For example:
# vi tdlocaledef.txt // System Time Zone string TimeZoneString {""} :wq!
Run the tdlocaledef utility on tdlocaledef.txt:
# /usr/tdbms/bin/tdlocaledef -input tdlocaledef.txt -output new
Issue the tpareset command to disable the Time Zone setting:
# tpareset -f remove TimeZoneString
Run the dbscontrol utility to confirm that the Time Zone setting is disabled:
# dbscontrol > display general 18. System TimeZone String = Not Set