Saved Jobs View - Data Stream Architecture

Teradata Data Stream Architecture (DSA) User Guide

Data Stream Architecture
Release Number
November 2017
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

The Saved Jobs view displays a table of Active, Retired, or Repository jobs, allows you to view the job status and job actions available for each job, and enables you to create a new job.

Repository jobs are only visible to users with BAR administrator privileges.

Show Jobs Menu
Filters the Saved Jobs view for Active, Retired, or Repository jobs. A job state of active means the job is ready to be run for a backup, restore, or analyze. A job state of retired means the job cannot be run. A repository job is specific to a DSC repository backup, restore, or analyze job.
New Job Button
Creates a backup, restore, or analyze job. Can only be used when the Show Jobs Menu is showing Active Jobs.
Job Status Filter Bar
Provides a count of the jobs by status and allows you to filter the Job Table. The filter bar is only in use when the Show Jobs Menu is showing Active Jobs.
Overflow Menu
Shows a list of job statuses. You can select another job status to replace a status on the Job Status Filter Bar.

Displays data by showing only rows that match your filter criteria. Click the column headers to sort data in ascending or descending order.

Saved Jobs Table
Lists the job name, type, status, start time, end time, size and elapsed time of the job.
Table Actions
Configure Columns allows you to select, lock, and order the displayed columns.
Export creates a .csv file containing all available data.
Change User Password allows you to change the password used to run all BAR jobs associated with a system and user account.