From the Saved Jobs view, do one of the following:
Option Description Create a new job - Click New Job.
- Select the Analyze job type and click OK.
Create a job from a backup job save set - Click
next to a backup job that has completed.
- Select Create analyze job to use the selected save set for the analyze job.
From the New Analyze Job view:
- Enter a unique Job Name.
[Optional] Select an analysis method, if not already specified.
If you change the analysis method to Read and validate, you must provide the Destination system and its credentials.
- Select the Job to analyze.
- Select the Target Group.
- [Optional] Provide a job description.
Specify a save set version from the Save Set Version tab.
If the selected job is retired, the Save Set Version information is not selectable.
- To adjust job settings for the job, click the Job Settings tab.
- Click Save.
To run the newly created analyze job, in the Saved Jobs view:
next to a job.
- Select Run.