For analyze jobs, the Save Set Version tab is available after you select Create Analyze Job from the Saved Jobs view. It allows you to select a version of the save set against which to run your analyze job. You can select the latest version or you can specify a version if more than one save set exists.
When you specify a version, selecting the Table Actions
menu, and then Configure Columns allows you to select, lock, and designate the order of columns.
The following columns are available:
Column Header | Description |
BACKUP DATE | Start date and time job began |
OBJECTS | A count of database objects copied during the job |
SIZE | Aggregate size for the objects processed |
BACKUP TYPE | Full, delta, or cumulative backup associated with the save set |
TYPE | Backup |
TARGET GROUP | Target group of the backup job |
COMPLETION DATE | Date and time the backup job was completed |
LOCATION | Location where the objects or third-party target group were backed up |
JOB PHASE | Job phase associated with the save set |