The Log tab displays details about database objects for running and completed backup, restore, and analyze_validate jobs. The tab is available when viewing a job status.
You can filter the results in the Log tab by column. For example, to display only object names beginning with "order", type "order" in the Object Name box and press Enter.
You can select, lock, and designate the order of columns from the Table Actions
Field | Description | Job Type |
Start Time | Start date and time job began |
End Time | Date and time job ended |
File Name | The backup files that contain the save set |
Object Name | Name of the object being backed up, restored, or validated |
Object Type | Type of object being backed up, restored, or validated |
Phase | The job phase can be dictionary, data, build, or postscript |
Status | The job status of the object |
Parent Name | Specifies the name of the parent of the object being backed up, restored, or validated |
Byte Count | Total number of bytes copied |
Row Count | Total number of rows copied |
Error Code | Specifies the error code encountered |
Warning Code | Specifies the warning code encountered |