Phase Log - Data Stream Architecture

Teradata Data Stream Architecture (DSA) User Guide

Data Stream Architecture
Release Number
November 2017
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

The Phase Log displays details about database objects in running and completed backup, restore, and analyze jobs. This information is read-only. The Phase Log is available when viewing the status of a job or a repository job.

Field Description Job Type
Job Phase The job phase to which the information pertains. Backup jobs have two phases: Dictionary and Data. In addition to Dictionary and Data, restore jobs have Build and Postscript phases.
  • Backup
  • Restore
  • Analyze_Validate
Objects Number of objects processed during the phase
  • Backup
  • Restore
  • Analyze_Validate
Start Date and time the phase began
  • Backup
  • Restore
  • Analyze_Validate
End Date and time the phase ended
  • Backup
  • Restore
  • Analyze_Validate
Average speed (Data phase)
  • For backup jobs, average speed = sum of bytes reported by DSMain for all objects / Time interval from time first byte of data received from DSMain and last object backed up, plus the refresh rate (which is 30 seconds by default). The average backup rate includes tape mount, positioning, and close time.
  • For restore jobs, average speed = sum of bytes reported by DSMain for all objects / Time interval from first receipt of data for first object from the DSA Network Client through data transfer for last object, plus the refresh rate (which is 30 seconds by default). The average restore rate includes tape mount, positioning, and close time, and the time for the concurrent table index build process while the data is being restored. The time for any remaining table index builds after the restore data transfer of the last object is completed is not included.
  • Backup
  • Restore
  • Analyze_Validate
Size (Data phase) Size of the data processed during the phase duration
  • Backup
  • Restore
  • Analyze_Validate