Changing the DSC Server Name - Data Stream Architecture
Teradata Data Stream Architecture (DSA) User Guide
- Product
- Data Stream Architecture
- Release Number
- 16.10.01
- Published
- November 2017
- ft:locale
- en-US
- ft:lastEdition
- 2018-04-17
- dita:mapPath
- fyx1509665931452.ditamap
- dita:ditavalPath
- 3150_DSA_UG_1610.ditaval.ditaval
- dita:id
- B035-3150
- Product Category
- Software
- Teradata Tools and Utilities
Remove the DSC Server from the BAR Setup portlet (see Removing a DSC Server).
Enter the new DSC server name when prompted, maximum of 22 characters: alphanumeric, "-", and ".".
Edit in the $DSA_CONFIG_DIR/ file.
Add the new DSC Server in the BAR Setup portlet (see Adding a DSC Server).