DSA configuration settings and job metadata are stored in the Data Stream Controller (DSC) repository. You can automate a repository backup or initiate the backup manually.
A repository backup job backs up your DSC data to a target group. Any running DSC repository job (backup, restore, or analyze) prevents jobs from being submitted and DSA configuration settings from being changed.
Configuration settings and DSC metadata can be restored to the DSC repository from a storage device.
If you abort a DSC repository restore job while the job is in progress or if the restore job fails, DSC triggers a process to restore all repository tables to their initial state, which is an empty table. The current data in the DSC repository would be lost.
Before you can recover the DSC Repository, a DSC repository backup job and an export of the repository backup configuration must have been completed successfully at least once. The export of the repository backup configuration can only be performed using the DSA command line.
Failure to perform a successful repository backup and an export of the repository backup configuration results in an unrecoverable DSC repository in the case of a complete disaster.