DSA Commands - Data Stream Architecture

Teradata Data Stream Architecture (DSA) User Guide

Data Stream Architecture
Release Number
November 2017
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities
There are two major types of DSA commands:
  • Configuration commands for configuring systems, servers, target groups, and the DSC repository
  • Management and reporting commands for creating, executing, updating, and monitoring jobs

Use a DSA command by typing it in the command line, and then typing in any necessary parameters. There are complex mappings between BAR components, so the configuration commands must read attributes from an XML file. Configuration commands must specify the XML file name and location. Some of the management and reporting commands also accept XML files in which you can specify additional attributes that cannot be entered as parameters in the command line.

The reference topic for each DSA command provides the command's purpose, syntax, an example of what you might enter, a list of necessary and optional parameters, and a sample XML file, if the command requires one. Note the following conventions for using the command line:
  • In the syntax description, the word in italics following a parameter is a placeholder that indicates that you must enter a value for the parameter. For example, where the syntax says Type, you might enter backup to specify a backup job for the job type parameter in the command line.
  • Unless a parameter is listed as [Optional], you must specify a value for it. For commands that support XML files, you may specify values for parameters in the XML rather than directly in the command line. If you specify different parameter values in both the command line and in the XML, the values in the command line are used.
  • Every parameter can be typed as a word or as a single character. A vertical bar indicates that you can use either format. For example, n|name means that you can type name or n to enter the name parameter.
  • Always type a hyphen before each parameter that you enter. For example, after the command name, type -file or -f to specify the file parameter.
  • The value for the file parameter must specify the filename and location of the input or output XML file.
  • The Example section shows literal examples of what you might enter at the command line prompt. For example: dsc.sh config_systems -f configSystem.xml
  • The XML File Example sections show samples of XML input files that certain commands require. Some commands export information as output to an XML file. Output file examples are not shown in this section.