The config_dd_boost command configures the DD Boost server for the DSA repository.
config_dd_boost -f|-file FILE
dsc config_dd_boost -f configddboost.xml
- f|file filename
- The full path and name of the file containing the necessary configuration parameters.
- u|user_authentication User
- Required when security management is enabled. Supplies the command with the Viewpoint user, and triggers a password prompt for authentication.
Usage Notes
When you use the config_dd_boost command, you will be prompted for the DD boost user name and password. For example:
dsc config_dd_boost -f ..\samples\sample_config_dd_boost.xml Data Stream Controller Command Line Command parameters: -file : ..\samples\sample_config_dd_boost.xml Enter DD Boost user name: dd_user Enter DD Boost user password: Connected to DSC version Saving dd_boost server... Saving dd_boost server name: dddomain1 Saving dd_boost server with server id: 1
XML File Example
The sample XML file below contains the required parameters to configure a DD
Boost server.
<!--****The command below must be on one line.****-->
<dscConfigDDBoost dscVersion="" xmlns="http://schemas.teradata.com/v2012/DSC"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://schemas.teradata.com/v2012/DSC DSC.xsd">
<!-- 'third_party_server_name' Required, max characters 32, alphanumeric and "-","_", first character must be alphanumeric -->
<!-- 'ip_address' - Required, max characters 50, alphanumeric and "-","_",".",":" -->
<!-- 'third_party_media_type' - Required, accepted values: dd_boost, net_backup -->
<!-- storage_units' - Required (at least one) -->
<!-- 'storage_unit_name' - Required, max characters 50, alphanumeric and "-","_" -->
<!-- 'max_files' - Required, Integer, min value is 1-->