Beginning with DSA release 16.10.01, the config_fabrics command defines the routing data path between TPA nodes and media servers using a parameter file. For best performance when using network fabric, make sure dsc.properties has validate.fabric=on.
Network fabric is not supported for repository backup and restore.
config_fabrics -n|-name -f|-file FILE
config_fabrics -f file1.xml
- n|name fabric_name
- [Optional] Name of the fabric configuration.
- f|file filename
- The full path and name of the file containing the necessary configuration parameters.
- u|user_authentication User
- Required when security management is enabled. Supplies the command with the Viewpoint user, and triggers a password prompt for authentication.
Usage Notes
A fabric configuration can be defined for one Teradata system. The information is saved into the repository and can be edited if new media servers or nodes are added.
The target group must define one media server that belongs to the fabric.
If a fabric is defined, job submission skips the logical net mask and selects the existing fabric when defining job data paths.
XML File Example
A representative XML file is shown below. To use the prefix name as a folder, follow it with "/".
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--****The command below must be on one line.****-->
<dscConfigFabrics xmlns="http://schemas.teradata.com/v2012/DSC"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://schemas.teradata.com/v2012/DSC DSC.xsd ">
<!-- 'fabric_name' Required, max characters 32, alphanumeric and "-","_", first character must be alphanumeric -->
<!-- 'system_name' Required, max characters 32, alphanumeric and "-","_", first character must be alphanumeric -->
<!-- 'is_enabled' Optional, accepted values: true/false. Default: false -->
<!-- Name of TPA node -->
<!-- 'ms_info' Required, one or more -->
<!-- Required, max characters 32, alphanumeric plus "-","_", ".", first character can only be alphanumeric -->
<!-- list of 'ip_address' - Required (min: one) , Only supporting IPV4 and IPV6 standards. No DNS support. Do not use link-local IPv6 addresses (beginning with fe80) for media servers. -->