The config_general command configures the general settings, based on the information contained in the parameters XML file.
config_general -f|-file File
dsc config_general -f configGeneral.xml
- f|file filename
- The full path and name of the file containing the necessary configuration parameters.
- u|user_authentication User
- Required when security management is enabled. Supplies the command with the Viewpoint user, and triggers a password prompt for authentication.
Usage Notes
Use the config_general command to change the default general configuration values.
XML File Example
The sample XML file below specifies general configuration settings.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <dscConfigGeneral dscVersion="dscVersion1" xmlns="http://schemas.teradata.com/v2012/DSC"> <!-- 'warning_threshold' - Required, integer value. --> <warning_threshold>10</warning_threshold> <!-- 'threshold_units' - Required, accepted values: MB/GB --> <threshold_units>MB</threshold_units> <!-- 'is_encrypted' - Required, accepted values: Y/N --> <is_encrypted>Y</is_encrypted> <!-- 'dsc_logging_level' - Required, accepted values: Error,Info,Debug,Warning --> <dsc_logging_level>Error</dsc_logging_level> <!-- 'barnc_logging_level' - Required, accepted values: Error,Info,Debug,Warning --> <barnc_logging_level>Error</barnc_logging_level> <!-- 'delete_job_time' - Required, integer value. --> <delete_job_time>40</delete_job_time> <!-- 'is_delete_after' - Required, accepted values: Y/N --> <is_delete_after>Y</is_delete_after> </dscConfigGeneral>