The create_job command creates a job based on the values you specify for parameters in the command line or in the XML file. Parameter values you enter in the command line supersede any value you enter for those parameters in the parameters XML file.
create_job [ -file File | parameters]
dsc create_job -n job1 -f parameters.xml
- n|name Name
- [Optional] The name of the job on which to perform the action. Must be unique for each job.
- f|file filename
- The full file path and file name of the file containing the necessary parameters to create the job. If the same parameters are provided both in the file and on the command line, Teradata DSA uses the values specified in the command line.
- d|description Description
- [Optional] A meaningful description of the job. To allow a multi-word description, add \" before and after the description string.
- t|type Type
[Optional] The type of job. Enter one of the following:
- o|owner Owner
- [This parameter is deprecated after release 15.00. You will receive a warning message if you use this parameter.] The owner of the job. Job ownership is used to determine the appropriate privileges given to DSA users.
- b|backup_name BackupName
- [Optional] An existing backup job name. For restore, analyze_read, and analyze_validate jobs only.
- u|user_authentication User
- Required when security management is enabled. Supplies the command with the Viewpoint user, and triggers a password prompt for authentication.
- v|backup_version BackupVersion
- [Optional] Backup version number. For restore, analyze_read, and analyze_validate jobs only. Enter latest or 0 for the latest save set.
Usage Notes
To get the backup version of a save set, use the list_save_sets command.
You can set the skip_archive parameter to true in case access rights for objects are missing or if a table specifically listed in a job file is determined to be missing (for example, dropped) during the execution of the job, the job will skip over the non-existant table and continue processing the remaining tables. By setting the parameter to true, the job continues to run. The default value for skip_archive is false. The default value for existing jobs should be false and can be set during the upgrade procedure.
In a restore job, the parent_name parameter uses the backup job name when exporting the XML.
- Multiple databases map to same database
- Same table level object name under different databases maps to the same database
- Database A is mapped to newA, and table level object x under database B is mapped to newA.x
- If database is selected and includeAll attribute, map_to, or config_map_name is not set at the database level, the DSC expands objects under the database and treats the restore job as table level restore.
- If database is selected and includeAll attribute, map_to, or config_map_name is set at the database level, the table level definitions are ignored, and the DSC treats the restore job as database level restore.
In a backup, restore, or analyze_validate job, use the streams_softlimit job option to override the system level streams soft limit. Range is 1- max soft limit of the stream soft limit, where max is the number of AMPs per node in the system.
XML File Example - Remote Backup Job
Job parameters for a remote backup job
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <!--****The command below must be on one line.****--> <dscCreateJob xmlns="http://schemas.teradata.com/v2012/DSC" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="DSC.xsd"> <!-- Optional --> <job_instance> <!-- 'job_name' - Required, max 128 characters.--> <!-- Note: Can be omitted in xml to be specified via command line. --> <job_name>SampleRemoteBackup1</job_name> <!-- 'job_description' - Required, max 256 characters. --> <!-- Note: Can be omitted in xml to be specified via command line. --> <job_description>This is a sample remote backup job.</job_description> <!-- 'job_type' - Required, accepted values: BACKUP, RESTORE, ANALYZE_VALIDATE, ANALYZE_READ, DATAMOVER, DATAMOVERDIRECT --> <!-- Note: Can be omitted in xml to be specified via command line. --> <job_type>BACKUP</job_type> <!-- 'auto_retire' - Optional, accepted values: true/false --> <auto_retire>true</auto_retire> <!-- 'retire_value' - Required (if auto_retire is true) --> <retire_value>15</retire_value> <!-- 'retire_units' - Required (if auto_retire is true), accepted values: DAYS, WEEKS --> <retire_units>DAYS</retire_units> <!-- 'objectlist' - Required for BACKUP, RESTORE, ANALYZE_VALIDATE, DATAMOVER, DATAMOVERDIRECT --> <!-- Note: 'objectlist' is NOT permitted for ANALYZE_READ jobs --> <objectlist> <objectinfo> <!-- 'object_name' - Required, max 128 characters --> <object_name>CreateQCFVer</object_name> <!-- 'object_type' - Required, accepted values: AGGREGATE_FUNCTION, AUTHORIZATION, COMBINED_AGGREGATE_FUNCTIONS, DATABASE, EXTERNAL_PROCEDURE, GLOP_SET, HASH_INDEX, INSTANCE_OR_CONSTRUCTOR_METHOD, JAR, JOIN_INDEX, JOURNAL, MACRO, NO_PI_TABLE, ORDERED_ANALYTICAL_FUNCTION, QUEUE_TABLE, STANDARD_FUNCTION, STATISTICAL_FUNCTION, STORED_PROCEDURE, TABLE, TABLE_FUNCTION, TRIGGER, USER, USER_DEFINED_METHOD, USER_DEFINED_DATA_TYPE, VIEW --> <object_type>TABLE</object_type> <!-- 'parent_name' - Required, max 128 characters --> <parent_name>SystemFe</parent_name> <!-- 'parent_type' - Required, accepted values: DATABASE, USER --> <parent_type>DATABASE</parent_type> </objectinfo> <objectinfo> <object_name>ABC</object_name> <object_type>DATABASE</object_type> <parent_name>DBC</parent_name> <parent_type>DATABASE</parent_type> <!-- 'exclude' - Optional --> <exclude> <excludeobjectinfo> <object_name>T1</object_name> <object_type>TABLE</object_type> </excludeobjectinfo> <excludeobjectinfo> <object_name>T2</object_name> <object_type>TABLE</object_type> </excludeobjectinfo> </exclude> </objectinfo> </objectlist> </job_instance> <!-- 'source_tdpid' - Required, max 32 characters --> <source_tdpid>system1</source_tdpid> <!-- 'source_accountid' - Optional, max 30 characters --> <source_accountid>acctid</source_accountid> <!-- 'target_media' - Required, max 32 characters --> <target_media>remote1_nbu</target_media> <!-- 'job_options' - Required --> <job_options> <!-- 'online'- Optional, accepted values: true/false --> <online>false</online> <!-- 'nosync' - Optional, accepted values: true/false --> <nosync>false</nosync> <!-- 'data_phase' - Required, accepted values: DATA, DICTIONARY --> <data_phase>DATA</data_phase> <!-- 'query_band' - Optional, max 2048 characters --> <query_band>queryBandTest</query_band> <!-- 'dsmain_logging_level' - Optional, accepted values: Error, Info, Debug, Warning --> <dsmain_logging_level>Error</dsmain_logging_level> <!-- 'nowait' - Optional, accepted values: true/false --> <nowait>false</nowait> <!-- skip_archive -Optional can be true/false. Skip archive during the backup job in case error in access rights. Supported in DBS 15.10.01 and above --> <skip_archive>true</skip_archive> <!-- skip_stats - Optional can be true/false, default is false. Skip collecting the stats during the backup job. Supported in DBS 16.00 and above --> <skip_stats>true</skip_stats> <!-- track_empty_tables - Optional can be true/false. When it's true, it will track empty table during the backup. Supported in DBS 16.00 and above --> <track_empty_tables>true</track_empty_tables> <!-- streams_softlimit - Optional for BACKUP, RESTORE, ANALYZE_VALIDATE --> <!-- Job level stream softlimit. This value will override system level stream softlimit. --> <!-- Value can be 1 - max soft limit of the stream soft limit, where max is the number of AMPS per node in the system. --> <streams_softlimit>10</streams_softlimit> </job_options> </dscCreateJob>
XML File Example - Remote Restore Job
Job parameters for a remote restore job
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <!--****The command below must be on one line.****--> <dscCreateJob xmlns="http://schemas.teradata.com/v2012/DSC" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="DSC.xsd"> <!-- Optional --> <job_instance> <!-- 'job_name' - Required, max 128 characters.--> <!-- Note: Can be omitted in xml to be specified via command line. --> <job_name>SampleRemoteRestore1</job_name> <!-- 'job_description' - Required, max 256 characters. --> <!-- Note: Can be omitted in xml to be specified via command line. --> <job_description>This is a sample remote restore job.</job_description> <!-- 'job_type' - Required, accepted values: BACKUP,RESTORE, ANALYZE_VALIDATE, ANALYZE_READ, DATAMOVER, DATAMOVERDIRECT --> <!-- Note: Can be omitted in xml to be specified via command line. --> <job_type>RESTORE</job_type> <!-- 'auto_retire' - Optional, accepted values: true/false --> <auto_retire>true</auto_retire> <!-- 'retire_value' - Required (if auto_retire is true) --> <retire_value>15</retire_value> <!-- 'retire_units' - Required (if auto_retire is true), accepted values: DAYS, WEEKS --> <retire_units>DAYS</retire_units> <!-- 'objectlist' - Required for BACKUP, RESTORE, ANALYZE_VALIDATE, DATAMOVER, DATAMOVERDIRECT --> <!-- Note: 'objectlist' is NOT permitted for ANALYZE_READ jobs --> <objectlist> <objectinfo> <!-- 'object_name' - Required, max 128 characters --> <object_name>BAR1</object_name> <!-- 'object_type' - Required, accepted values: AGGREGATE_FUNCTION, AUTHORIZATION, COMBINED_AGGREGATE_FUNCTIONS, DATABASE, EXTERNAL_PROCEDURE, GLOP_SET, HASH_INDEX, INSTANCE_OR_CONSTRUCTOR_METHOD, JAR, JOIN_INDEX, JOURNAL, MACRO, NO_PI_TABLE, ORDERED_ANALYTICAL_FUNCTION, QUEUE_TABLE, STANDARD_FUNCTION, STATISTICAL_FUNCTION, STORED_PROCEDURE, TABLE, TABLE_FUNCTION, TRIGGER, USER, USER_DEFINED_METHOD, USER_DEFINED_DATA_TYPE, VIEW --> <object_type>VIEW</object_type> <!-- 'parent_name' - Required, max 128 characters --> <parent_name>DBC</parent_name> <!-- 'parent_type' - Required, accepted values: DATABASE, USER --> <parent_type>DATABASE</parent_type> </objectinfo> <objectinfo> <object_name>BAR</object_name> <object_type>DATABASE</object_type> <parent_name>DBC</parent_name> <parent_type>DATABASE</parent_type> <!-- 'exclude' - Optional --> <exclude> <excludeobjectinfo> <object_name>T1</object_name> <object_type>TABLE</object_type> </excludeobjectinfo> <excludeobjectinfo> <object_name>T2</object_name> <object_type>TABLE</object_type> </excludeobjectinfo> </exclude> </objectinfo> <objectinfo> <object_name>BAR2</object_name> <object_type>VIEW</object_type> <parent_name>DBC</parent_name> <parent_type>DATABASE</parent_type> <!-- 'object_attribute_list' Optional --> <object_attribute_list> <!-- 'map_to' - Optional, max 128 characters --> <map_to>DBC2</map_to> <!-- 'rename_to' - Optional, max 128 characters --> <rename_to>BAR2</rename_to> <!-- 'config_map_name' - Optional hash map name, max 128 characters --> <config_map_name>objectLevelMap</config_map_name> </object_attribute_list> </objectinfo> </objectlist> <!-- 'backup_name'- Required for RESTORE, ANALYZE_READ, ANALYZE_VALIDATE jobs. --> <backup_name>SampleRemoteBackup1</backup_name> <!-- 'backup_version' - Required for RESTORE, ANALYZE_READ, ANALYZE_VALIDATE jobs. --> <!-- Note: Value = '0', latest save set from backup. Value > 0 is an existing save set.--> <backup_version>0</backup_version> <!-- 'all_backup_objects' - Required for RESTORE, ANALYZE_READ, ANALYZE_VALIDATE jobs. --> <!-- Accepted values: true/false. --> <!-- Note: If False then objectlist is required. --> <all_backup_objects>false</all_backup_objects> </job_instance> <!-- 'source_media' - Required, max 32 characters --> <source_media>remote1_nbu</source_media> <!-- 'target_tdpid' - Required, max 32 characters --> <target_tdpid>system1</target_tdpid> <!-- 'target_accountid' - Optional, max 30 characters --> <target_accountid>acctid</target_accountid> <!-- 'job_options' - Required --> <job_options> <!-- 'data_phase' - Optional, accepted values: DATA, DICTIONARY --> <data_phase>DATA</data_phase> <!-- 'enable_temperature_override' - Optional, accepted values: true/false --> <enable_temperature_override>false</enable_temperature_override> <!-- 'temperature_override' - Optional, accepted values: DEFAULT, HOT, WARM, COLD --> <temperature_override>DEFAULT</temperature_override> <!-- 'block_level_compression' - Optional, accepted values: DEFAULT, ON, OFF --> <block_level_compression>DEFAULT</block_level_compression> <!-- 'disable_fallback' - Optional, accepted values: true/false --> <disable_fallback>false</disable_fallback> <!-- 'query_band' - Optional, max 2048 characters --> <query_band>queryBandTest</query_band> <!-- 'dsmain_logging_level' - Optional, accepted values: Error, Info, Debug, Warning --> <dsmain_logging_level>Error</dsmain_logging_level> <!-- 'nowait' - Optional, accepted values: true/false --> <nowait>false</nowait> <!-- 'reblock' - Optional, accepted values: true/false --> <!-- Note: Only useful for RESTORE jobs.--> <reblock>false</reblock> <!-- 'run_as_copy' - Optional, accepted values: true/false --> <!-- Note: Only useful for RESTORE jobs.--> <run_as_copy>false</run_as_copy> <!-- 'skip_archive' -Optional can be true/false. Skip archive during the restore job in case error in access rights. Supported in DBS 15.10.01 and above --> <skip_archive>true</skip_archive> <!-- 'skip_stats' - Optional can be true/false, default is false. Skip restoring the stats during the restore job. Supported in DBS 16.00 and above --> <skip_stats>true</skip_stats> <!-- 'config_map_name' - Optional, Hash map name, max 128 characters --> <config_map_name>jobLevelMap</config_map_name> <!-- 'concurrent_bld_per_tbl' - Optional, Number of index and fallback subtables that can be built concurrently per table during restore. --> <!-- Range 1-5 for database version 16.0 and above --> <!-- Note: Only useful for RESTORE jobs. --> <concurrent_bld_per_tbl>5</concurrent_bld_per_tbl> <!-- 'map_to' - Optional, apply map_to to all objects in the restore job. Supported in Teradata Database 16.00 and above --> <map_to>new_db</map_to> <!-- 'streams_softlimit' - Optional for BACKUP, RESTORE, ANALYZE_VALIDATE --> <!-- Job level stream softlimit. This value will override system level stream softlimit. --> <!-- Value can be 1 - max soft limit of the stream soft limit, where max is the number of AMPS per node in the system. --> <streams_softlimit>10</streams_softlimit> </job_options> </dscCreateJob>