TVI allows critical failures to be reported to Teradata immediately. Logging by TVI is enabled by default, but can be disabled by setting the value of the logger.useTviLogger property in the and files to false.
TVI errors that are reported to Teradata DSA are listed below by message ID number. All of the errors above 4000000 are critical. Event codes are supported in CMIC release 11.01.02 or later unless otherwise noted.
- 1751001
- Synopsis: DSC Server was started.
- Meaning: DSC Server was started.
- Probable Cause: DSC Server was started.
- Recommendations: n/a
- 1751002
- Synopsis: DSC was stopped.
- Meaning: DSC Server was stopped.
- Probable Cause: A service could be stopped manually or during a shut down or reboot, or the DSC repository is down.
- Recommendations: Check the log file for DSC at $DSA_LOG_DIR/dsc.log.
- 1752001
- Synopsis: Alert for ad-hoc collection of support bundle.
- Meaning: DSA support information collected.
- Probable Cause: DSA support script was executed to collect support information.
- Recommendations: The collected support information can be used for troubleshooting.
- 17530001
- Synopsis: BARNC.
- Meaning: BARNC (the DSA Network Client) was started.
- Probable Cause: The DSA Network Client was started.
- Recommendations: NA
- 17530002
- Synopsis: BARNC.
- Meaning: BARNC (the DSA Network Client) was stopped.
- Probable Cause: A service could be stopped manually or during a shut down or reboot. DSA Network Client should start automatically on reboot.
- Recommendations: Check the log file for BARNC (DSA Network Client) at $DSA_LOG_DIR/clienthandler.log.
- 4751001
- Synopsis: DSC and Commons version mismatch
- Meaning: DSC version does not match Commons version, DSC failed to start.
- Probable Cause: Installed package is using the wrong libraries and is not valid.
- Recommendations: Request a new build.
- 4751002
- Synopsis: DSC cannot connect to JMS broker.
- Meaning: The JMS broker is unreachable from the DSC.
- Probable Cause: ActiveMQ service may be down or DSC may have incorrect JMS broker port/url configuration.
- Recommendations: Check ActiveMQ service is running. Verify JMS broker port/url on DSC.
- 4751003
- Synopsis: JDBC connection to DSC repository failed.
- Meaning: Fail to connect to DSC repository.
- Probable Cause: DSC repository is unavailable or there is a network error.
- Recommendations: Check database is running. Verify logon user/password.
- 4751005
- Synopsis: DSC and DBS version mismatch.
- Meaning: DSC version does not match DBS version, DSC version must be equal or higher than DBS version.
- Probable Cause: Installed wrong package.
- Recommendations: Upgrade DSC package or downgrade DBS version.
- 4751006
- Synopsis: Memory usage of the DSA communication queue has reached the 75% threshold that triggers TVI logging.
- Meaning: DSA hangs.
- Probable Cause: DSC consumers are not available when status messages are sent from DSA Network Client and DSMAIN producers.
- Recommendations: Set deleteAllMessagesOnStartup="true" in /opt/teradata/tdactivemq/config/td-broker.xml. Then restart the ActiveMQ broker.
- 4753003
- Synopsis: BARNC crash.
- Meaning: BARNC (DSA Network Client) crashed.
- Probable Cause: DSA Network Client crashed due to segmentation violation, broken pipe, or unknown reasons.
- Recommendations: Find related core files in the Teradata core directory.
- 4753004
- Synopsis: NFS full
- Meaning: The network file system has run out of space.
- Probable Cause: There is a problem writing to file due to lack of disk space.
- Recommendations: Free up NFS mounted disk space.
- 4753005
- Synopsis: NFS mount failure
- Meaning: There is a network file system mount failure.
- Probable Cause: There is a problem writing to file due to an NFS mount error.
- Recommendations: Verify that NFS is properly mounted and running.