The following table provides the format and content of the EREP record for devices of a CP that do not require the CCU operand on the START command:
Byte # (Dec) | Content Description |
0 | Class/Source of record |
1 | System/Release level |
2 — 5 | Record switches (not used) |
6 | Not used |
7 | Reserved |
8 — 11 | System date |
12 — 15 | System time |
16 | Machine version code |
17 — 19 | CPU serial number |
20 & 21 | CPU model (for example, 3033) |
22 & 23 | Not used |
24 — 31 | TDPid |
32 — 39 | Failing CCW |
40 — 47 | Content of CSW after I/O error |
48 | Count of double words that record uses for device-dependent data |
49 — 51 | Secondary control unit address associated with final retry of failing I/O device |
52 — 55 | Device type associated with failing device |
57 — 59 | Primary control unit address of device being used when failure occurred |
60 & 61 | Retry count |
62 & 63 | Number of bytes of sense data (24) |
64 — 87 | Sense data |
88 & 89 | Not used |