Sent to identify the last row fetched by an External Stored Procedure for a response being propagated to the caller or application.
Parcel Data
Field information for the ResultSetCursor parcel is as follows:
Flavor | Mnemonic | TRDSPBRK | ||
Field | Length | Value | ||
175 | TRDSPFRK | PBRKSNUM | 2byte unsigned integer | statement number containing the last row fetched by the procedure |
PBRKNUM | 8byte unsigned integer | row number of the last row fetched by the procedure for the statement |
If the ResultSetCursor parcel is sent multiple times, the last one is honored.
Upon successful completion, an EndRequest parcel is returned. Upon unsuccessful completion, either an Error or Failure parcel is returned. For Error, if the problem can be corrected, the ResultSetCursor parcel can be resent; for Failure, the ResultSetCursor can not be resent.