Parcel Flavors - Teradata Director Program

Teradata® Director Program Reference

Teradata Director Program
Release Number
October 2021
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

Definitions for the parcel flavors and content of the body headers are located on a release tape as shown below:

For this language . . . Definitions are located in the. . .
IBM Assembler TRDSPB in library SAMPLIB (z/OS)

The following table provides the flavor number and name of the parcels used by CLIv2 or CLIv2 applications.

Flavor Parcel Name Flavor Parcel Name
1 Req 2 RunStartup
3 Data 4 Respond
5 KeepRespond 7 Cancel
8 Success 9 Failure
10 Record 11 EndStatement
12 EndRequest 13 FMReq
14 FMRunStartup 17 Ok
18 Field 19 NullField
20 TitleStart 21 TitleEnd
22 FormatStart 23 FormatEnd
24 SizeStart 25 SizeEnd
26 Size 27 RecStart
28 RecEnd 31 Rewind
32 NOP 33 With
34 Position 35 EndWith
36 Logon 37 Logoff
38 Run 46 PosStart
47 PosEnd 49 Error
68 IndicData 69 IndicReq
71 DataInfo 72 IVRunStartup
85 Options 86 PrepInfo
88 Connect 114 SessionOptions
115 VoteRequest 116 VoteTerm
117 Cmmt2PC 118 Abrt2PC
120 CursorHost 121 CursorDBC
122 Flagger 125 PrepInfoX
128 Multi-TSR 129 SP options
136 UserNameRequest 137 UserNameResponse
140 MultipartData 141 EndMultipartData
142 MultipartIndicData 143 EndMultipartIndicData
144 MultipartRecord 145 EndMultipartRecord
146 DataInfoX 147 MultipartRunStartup
148 MultipartReq 150 ElicitData
151 ElicitFile 152 ElicitDataReceived
153 ExtendedRespond 154 ExtendedKeepRespond
157 Keep-Position 158 RowPosition
159 OffsetPosition 164 ErrorInformation
169 StatementInformation 170 StatementInformationEnd
172 ResultSet 175 ResultSetCursor
176 ElicitDataByName 179 ResultSetSelection
189 ClientAttributes 190 FetchRowCount
192 StatementError 205 StatementStatus
215 SLOB response 220 SLOB DataStart
221 SLOB data 222 SLOB DataEnd