Response Parcels: Overview - Teradata Director Program

Teradata® Director Program Reference

Teradata Director Program
Release Number
October 2021
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities
Response Parcel Flavors, Names, and Uses 
Flavor Parcel Name Use
8* Success Indicates that the specified Teradata SQL statement completed successfully in other than Field Response-mode. When the response is for a session that specified a SessionOptions parcel (described in SessionOptions) with a StatementStatus option other than “O”, a StatementStatus parcel (flavor 205 in Parcel Flavors) may be returned instead.
9* Failure Indicates that the specified statement has failed and the entire transaction was rolled back. When the response is for a session that specified a SessionOptions parcel (described in SessionOptions) with a StatementStatus option other than “O”, a StatementStatus parcel (flavor 205 in Parcel Flavors) may be returned instead.
10* Record

(Record Mode)

Returns one row of selected results.
10* Record

(Indicator Mode)

Returns one row of selected results.
11* EndStatement Delimits the end of the results from the specified Teradata SQL statement.
12* EndRequest Delimits the end of a Teradata SQL response to a Teradata SQL request.
17* Ok Indicates that the specified Teradata SQL statement completed successfully in Field Response-mode. When the response is for a session that specified a SessionOptions parcel (described in SessionOptions) with a StatementStatus option other than “O”, a StatementStatus parcel (flavor 205 in Parcel Flavors) may be returned instead.
18* Field Contains returned information (data value, title, format, or echo).
19* NullField Returns a null data value for a field.
20* TitleStart Delimits the start of a set of Title parcels.
21* TitleEnd Delimits the end of a set of Title parcels.
22* FormatStart Delimits the start of a set of format-containing Field parcels.
23* FormatEnd Delimits the end of a set of format-containing Field parcels.
24* SizeStart Delimits the start of a set of Size parcels.
25* SizeEnd Delimits the end of a set of Size parcels.
26* Size Specifies the width of a column of selected results.
27* RecStart Delimits the start of a set of data-value-containing Field and Null-Field parcels or a set of echoed string- containing Field parcels.
28* RecEnd Delimits the end of a set of data-value-containing Field and Null-Field parcels or a set of echoed string-containing Field parcels.
33* With Delimits the start of a set of parcels for the specified WITH clause.
34* Position Specifies the column number being summarized.
35* EndWith Delimits the end of a set of parcels for the specified WITH clause.
46* PosStart Delimits the start of a set of Position parcels.
47* PosEnd Delimits the end of a set of Position parcels.
49* Error Indicates that the specified statement has an error not serious enough to cause rollback. When the response is for a session that specified a SessionOptions parcel (described in SessionOptions) with a StatementStatus option other than “O”, a StatementStatus parcel (flavor 205 in Parcel Flavors) may be returned instead.
71* DataInfo Returns a description of the following Indicator Mode Record parcels.
86* PrepInfo Returns column information from the database when a Teradata SQL statement has been sent with a Request Processing Option of Prepare and a Response Mode of Indicator.
121* CursorDBC Returns cursor information.
122* Flagger Returns language non-conformances.
125* PrepInfoX Returns column information from the database when a Teradata SQL statement has been sent with a Request Processing Option of Prepare and a Response Mode of Extended.
137 UserNameResponse Returns the userid assigned to the session.
144* MultipartRecord Returns selected results (Multipart mode).
145* EndMultipartRecord Indicates end of selected results for one row (Multipart mode).
146* DataInfoX Returns a description of subsequent parcels (Multipart mode).
150* ElicitData Indicates that data must be supplied.
151* ElicitFile Indicates that the contents of a file must be supplied.
152* ElicitDataReceived Indicates that elicited data was received by the database.
164* ErrorInformation After an Error parcel (flavor 49), provides additional information about the error. When the response is for a session that specified a SessionOptions parcel (described in SessionOptions) with a StatementStatus option other than “O”, a StatementStatus parcel (flavor 205 in Parcel Flavors) may be returned instead.
169* StatementInformation Returns a description of the data, when the Options parcel (flavor 85 in Request Parcels: Overview) specifies Return-statement-info (corresponding to the CLIv2 DBCAREA Return-statement-info option).
170* Statement InformationEnd Delimits related StatementInformation parcels.
172* ResultSet Introduce parcels returned from a CALLed stored procedure.
176* ElicitDataByName Indicates that data must be supplied for the specified name.
192* StatementError Indicates a statement in a multi-statement request encountered a problem but the transaction is not rolled back. When the response is for a session that specified a SessionOptions parcel (described in SessionOptions) with a StatementStatus option other than “O”, a StatementStatus parcel (flavor 205 in Parcel Flavors) may be returned instead.
205* StatementStatus Indicates that the specified Teradata SQL statement completed.
220* SLOB DataStart Introduces SLOB Data parcels.
221* SLOB Data Provides data for a LOB.
222* SLOB DataEnd Ends SLOB Data parcels for a LOB.
* Parcel is described in Teradata® Call-Level Interface Version 2 Reference for Mainframe-Attached Systems, B035-2417.