Diagnostic Operands - Teradata Director Program

Teradata® Director Program Reference

Teradata Director Program
Release Number
October 2021
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

The following information is meaningful when consulting with Teradata customer support personnel. When the indicated operand is specified, the associated information is presented.


The DETAIL operand displays diagnostic information about the session. The deprecated ENABLE TEST TDP command has the same effect unless the NODETAIL operand is specified.
  • SP number
  • Session status, as one or more of the following, separated by commas:
    Session Status Meaning
    POOL SESSION The session is assigned to a session pool.
    OWNED The session is owned by an application or for TDP internal use.
    LOGGING OFF The session is either logging off or will be logged off once the current request completes.
    LOGGING OFF FROM POOL A pool session is being removed from the pool.
  • Optional session status, as one or more of the following, separated by commas:
    Optional Session Status Meaning
    SWITCH REQUIRED The session must be switched from a down database session-processor (TDP does this automatically as session capacity is available on operational session-processors) – the session is unusable until it is associated with an operational session-processor.
    SWITCH ACTIVE The session is currently being switched from a down session-processor to an operational session-processor – the session is unusable until it is associated with an operational session-processor.
    CLEANUP REQUIRED The database settings for a pool session have been changed by the application currently using that session. When that application logs off the session, TDP will have the database restore their default values.
  • Transaction status, as one or more of the following, separated by commas:
    Transaction Status Meaning
    DATABASE STATE UNAVAILABLE The transaction status on the database is currently unknown because communication with the database has been lost. TDP will automatically update the status when communication is restored.
    IN-TRANSACTION The request has begun but not yet ended a transaction.
    IN-DOUBT The Two-phase commit protocol transaction has been committed or rolled-back but the database has not yet confirmed the action.
  • Request number, in decimal, of the request last received from the application.
  • The function specified by the request last received from the application, as one of the following:
    Function Meaning
    LOGON The request is associated with a CLIv2 DBCHCL Connect function that specified a DBCAREA Connect-type option of ‘R’.
    LOGOFF The request is associated with a CLIv2 DBCHCL Disconnect function.
    RUN The request is associated with a CLIv2 DBCHCL Connect function that specified a DBCAREA Connect-type option of 'R'.
    CONNECT The request is associated with a CLIv2 DBCHCL Connect function that specified a DBCAREA Connect-type option of 'C'.
    START RQST The request is associated with a CLIv2 DBCHCL Initiate Request or Initiate With Protocol-function function.
    CONTINUE RQST The request is associated with a CLIv2 DBCHCL Fetch or End Request function.
    CONTINUE DATA The request is associated with a CLIv2 DBCHCL Continue Request function.
    ABORT DATA The request is associated with a CLIv2 DBCHCL Continue Request function that specified a DBCAREA Continued-data option of 'C'.
    ABORT START The request is associated with a CLIv2 DBCHCL Abort function for a request initiated by the CLIv2 Initiate Request or Initiate With Protocol-function function.
    ABORT CONTDATA The request is associated with a CLIv2 Abort function for a request initiated by the CLIv2 Continue Request function.
    DIRECTED RQST The request is associated with a CLIv2 Teradata application proprietary function
    UNKNOWN The request is unrecognized.
  • CP or NP number used to send the request to the database (if the request is not active, then an xP number of zeroes is displayed).
  • Optional request status, as one or more of the following, separated by commas:
    Optional Request Status Meaning
    IN TDP The request has been received by TDP.
    ON FLOW QUEUE The request is awaiting transmission to the database by TDP.
    SENT TO DATABASE The request has been sent by TDP to the database.
    ABORTING The request is being aborted by the CLIv2 Abort function.
    COMPLETE The completion of a request has been returned to CLIv2.
  • Total request count
  • Number of bytes of information sent to the database
  • Number of bytes of information received from the database
  • Session timing
    • Elapsed time (hhh:mm:ss.t) since the start of the session
    • Percentage of time (nn:nn:nn%) the session spent in TDP, the database, and waiting for the request from the user application (TDP:DBC:OUT)
    • Elapsed time (hhh:mm:ss.t) in the specified session state (IDLE or ACTIVE)