Usage Notes - Teradata Director Program

Teradata® Director Program Reference

Teradata Director Program
Release Number
October 2021
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

The DISPLAY SESSIONS command can be used to display summary information about jobs and sessions or detailed information using the operands.

When the DISPLAY SESSIONS command is executed with the default ALL operand, TDP displays the following:

  • Number of sessions logged on to TDP
  • Number of sessions that are ending
  • Status of logons to TDP (enabled or disabled)
  • Job names and the status of their sessions
    • Number of sessions
    • Number of active sessions
    • Status of the session:

      One of the following is always present:

      Status Description
      IDLE Session has no request active.
      ACTIVE Session has a request active.

      One or more of the following can be present if the condition occurs:

      Status Description
      STARTING Session has not completed logon processing.
      ENDING Session has not completed logoff processing.
      SWITCH PENDING Session must be switched to another SP, which is not yet assigned.
      SWITCH ACTIVE Session is currently being switched to a new SP.

The listed job names can be used in the DISPLAY JOBS command to display detailed information about the jobs, including the session numbers related to the different jobs.

Note that the job name *TDPINT* might appear in the result of the DISPLAY SESSIONS command. This indicates a TDP-internal session (a session owned by TDP itself). There are two kinds of TDP-internal sessions, and both types have the job name *TDPINT*:

  • Unallocated POOL sessions
  • Two TDP-internal sessions that are used for Two-phase commit in-doubt resolution

When the DISPLAY SESSIONS command is executed with the sessnumber or ENDING operand, TDP displays:

  • Name of the job owning the session (if the session has not completed logoff processing, 'ENDING' appears)
  • Session number (in decimal)
  • Status of the session