START NP - Teradata Director Program

Teradata® Director Program Reference

Teradata Director Program
Release Number
October 2021
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities


The START NP command is used to begin communication by an NP with the database using a network connection. As many NPs may be started as are configured for the database used by this TDP. The STOP NP command may be used to end communication using this network connection; the TDP SHUTDOWN command may be used to terminate TDP, ending all communication with the database. Information about the NP can be obtained using the DISPLAY NP command.


An EBCDIC character string from three to six characters long, used to identify this network connection within TDP. It consists of the two characters 'NP' followed by a one to four character hexadecimal value. This value is arbitrary, although it must be unique for all currently started NPs for this TDP. It could be the same as the hexadecimal portion of the 'cpname' of a CP.
An EBCDIC character string from one to 112 characters long, used to specify the network connection as either an IPv4 or IPv6 network address or fully-qualified name. Any zone, prefix, and port may be included using the network syntax (a percent sign introducing the zone; a slash introducing the prefix; a colon introducing the port (for IPv6 addresses, the text before the colon must be enclosed in brackets)). When a name rather than an address is specified, that name must have been defined to either the operating system local host or network Domain Name System (DNS) name established by the network administrator for the database. See Teradata® Tools and Utilities for IBM z/OS Installation Guide (B035-3128) for more information on configuring network information. If a standard IP null address of either '.' or '::' is specified, the IPADDR operand is ignored.
This operand is intended for use in consultation with Teradata customer support personnel. Internal knowledge is required for proper use, without which, unintended results are probable.
A non-zero decimal value between one and 65535 that specifies the database Logical-host id in which an NP is configured.
This operand is intended for use in consultation with Teradata customer support personnel. Internal knowledge is required for proper use, without which, unintended results are probable.
Requests that no general diagnostic detail for an NP is to be displayed.
Requests that diagnostic detail is to be displayed if a database NP cannot be allocated.
This operand is intended for use in consultation with Teradata customer support personnel. Internal knowledge is required for proper use, without which, unintended results are probable.

Usage Notes

The START command can only be used when the NP is in the ATTACHED or STOPPED state. An NP’s state may be seen using the DISPLAY NP command.

Normal TDP operation expects names defined to either the operating system local host or network Domain Name System (DNS) in the standard Teradata format, each of which corresponds to a network address recognized by the database. See Teradata® Tools and Utilities for IBM z/OS Installation Guide (B035-3128) for more information on configuring network information.When this is true, the IPADDR operand is not specified. The network connection is determined by TDP, honoring any information specified on previous CONFIG NP DATABASE and CONFIG NP DOMAIN commands. The specified 'npname' plays no role in selecting a database NP. There is no fixed relationship between a database NP and a TDP NP.

If LHID is not specified, then if there are currently started NPs or CPs, the same LHID is used. If there are no currently started NPs or CPs, the LHID must have been specified on a previous CONFIG NP LHID command.

If IPADDR is specified, then after removing any port specification, that network address or name is used exactly as specified and must correspond to a network address recognized by the database.

If LHID is specified when other NPs or CPs are currently started, then the specified LHID must match their LHID.

NPs and CPs will not be used until after a RUN command has completed.

The standard Teradata form of an NP name defined to either operating system local host resolution or the Domain Name System by a network administrator is 'database||NTCI||n[||.||domain]', where:
  • database – is the name assigned to the database.
  • || – indicates catenation without spaces (these symbols do not appear in the resulting name).
  • NTCI – are these four EBCDIC characters in either upper or lower case.
  • n – is a decimal integer ascending from 1 without any leading zeroes, unique for each NP configured in that database.
  • [ and ] – indicates the enclosed element is optional (these symbols do not appear in the resulting name).
  • domain – consists of any qualifiers separated by periods, needed to uniquely resolve the NP name.

For efficiency, names associated with the same database should have contiguous values for 'n', but to accommodate failures or maintenance, gaps of up to 10 can occur. Larger gaps will prevent use of subsequent NPs. Examples of the NP name are '' or 'testdatabaseNTCI12'.

Example: START NP


Completion Message

The following message confirms that the command has been accepted and validated:


The following message subsequently confirms that the command has been completed: