If the examples on the release tape are insufficient, create a custom TDPPARM data set. It can be any data set that contains fixed, 80 byte records consisting of EBCDIC characters and is accessible to IBM SAM (Queued Sequential Access Method). Columns 73 through 80 are reserved for traditional sequence numbers and are ignored. Records containing only blanks are ignored. If the first non-blank characters of a record are /*, the record is considered a comment and ignored.
Messages that result from executing commands in the TDPPARM data set are routed to the z/OS console at which TDP was started. The records can be maintained by any text editor or utility that honors these attributes. If TDP was started as a batch job, messages are routed to the master console route code.
If execution of any TDPPARM command results in an error, TDP displays:
If you enter “GO”,TDP continues to run. “CANCEL” stops TDP. The source of the error(s) can be determined either from the responses displayed at the console or from the dump.
TDPPARM is read only when TDP is started. Once all records have been processed, TDPPARM is not read again.