TDP Internal Sessions for Two-Phase Commit - Teradata Director Program

Teradata® Director Program Reference

Teradata Director Program
Release Number
October 2021
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

When TDP is initialized, two internal sessions are logged on to the database with the userid, TDPUSER. The TDPUSER name can be changed using the SET USERID command (see SET USERID). By default, the userid is in EBCDIC, but a different character set can be specified using the SET CHARSET command (see SET CHARSET). The current userid and character set can be displayed using the DISPLAY TDP command (see DISPLAY TDP). Any new userid that is substituted for TDPUSER must have the EXECUTE privilege on the DBC.TwoPCRule macro in DIPVIEWS. This privilege typically is set by the DBA for your site.

For more information on Two-phase commit and the DBC.TwoPCRule macro, see one of the following:
  • Teradata Vantage™ - Database Design, B035-1094
  • Teradata Vantage™ - Database Administration, B035-1093

The two TDP-internal sessions are used for in-doubt resolution of Two-phase commit transactions. They are established when TDP is started, and remain until TDP is shut down. These internal sessions can appear on any TDP command display that lists session-related information, such as the output from the DISPLAY SESSIONS command. The internal sessions appear in the displays with the following job name:


These two internal sessions comprise the In-doubt Resolution Facility (IRF) for Two-phase commit. In order to run Two-phase commit applications, IRF must be enabled.

In-doubt resolution can be disabled using the DISABLE IRF command to achieve a LOGON/QUIET status on the RDBMS console. However, if IRF is disabled, your Two-phase commit applications will not run. Note that to disable the two internal sessions, the DISABLE IRF command must be used, not the Performance Monitor ABORT SESSION command.