/* Wrapper event structure for narrow characters */ typedef struct MSM_Oevent { unsigned int version; MSM_EventType eventType; char *szTDPID; char *szEcosystemId; char *szResourceId; char *szSystemName; char *szUserName; char *szJobName; char *szJobStep; char *szApplicationId; unsigned int iStateCode; char *szMessage; unsigned int iAlertCode; unsigned int iSeverityLevel; char *szLogFile; char *szEventTimeStamp; MSM_UofW *uow; char *szOptional1; char *szOptional2; char *szOptional3; char **szResourceTypes; unsigned int numResourceType; char **szDmlModes; unsigned int numDmlMode; char **szAffectedDatabaseNames; unsigned int numAffectedDatabaseName; char **szAffectedTableNames; unsigned int numAffectedTableName; char **szHealthStrings; unsigned int numHealthString; long *lActivityCount; unsigned int numActivityCount; char* szResourceSubCategory; char** szLargeActivityCount; unsigned int numLargeActivityCount; error_code_t status; MSM_OExport* pExport; }MSM_OEvent; /* Wrapper event structure for wide characters */ typedef struct MSM_Wevent { unsigned int version; MSM_EventType eventType; wchar_t *szTDPID; wchar_t *szEcosystemId; wchar_t *szResourceId; wchar_t *szSystemName; wchar_t *szUserName; wchar_t *szJobName; wchar_t *szJobStep; wchar_t *szApplicationId; unsigned int iStateCode; wchar_t *szMessage; unsigned int iAlertCode; unsigned int iSeverityLevel; wchar_t *szLogFile; wchar_t *szEventTimeStamp; MSM_UofW *uow; wchar_t *szOptional1; wchar_t *szOptional2; wchar_t *szOptional3; wchar_t **szResourceTypes; unsigned int numResourceType; wchar_t **szDmlModes; unsigned int numDmlMode; wchar_t **szAffectedDatabaseNames; unsigned int numAffectedDatabaseName; wchar_t **szAffectedTableNames; unsigned int numAffectedTableName; wchar_t **szHealthStrings; unsigned int numHealthString; long *lActivityCount; unsigned int numActivityCount; wchar_t* szResourceSubCategory; wchar_t** szLargeActivityCount; unsigned int numLargeActivityCount; error_code_t status; MSM_WExport* pExport; }MSM_WEvent;
The following MSM_WEvent and MSM_OEvent members are not to be initialized, referred to, or used by the client application code:
- MSM_WExport* pExport
- MSM_OExport* pExport
MSM_WExport* pExport MSM_OExport* pExport /* Wrapper eventtype */ Typedef enum TypeOfEvent { STARTEVENT, STEPEVENT, ENDEVENT, ALERTEVENT, HCHKEVENT, CLEAREVENT, STEPCLEAREVENT, STATEEVENT, RQ_STATEEVENT, APPSTATEEVENT, RQ_APPSTEVENT, TBLSTATEEVENT, RQ_TBLSTEVENT, UNITYSTATEEVENT, NUM_EVENT_TYPES } MSM_EventType; /* Wrapper UOW */ typedef struct MSM_UoW { wchar_t *szUowId; wchar_t *szUowClass; wchar_t *szUowSourceSystem; wchar_t *szUowFromTS; wchar_t *szUowToTS; MSM_Bridge *internalUOW; }MSM_UofW;
Do not initialize, refer to, or use the following MSM_UofW member in client application code:
MSM_Bridge *internalUOW