Adds large activity count as an event parameter. This function supports activity count up to 38 digits in length with a maximum of 36 digits to the left of the decimal. This function rejects any other type except numeric.
LargeActivityCount is not added if status (member of MSM_WEvent/MSM_OEvent) is non-zero before this method is called or set to non-zero during execution of this function. For multi-value events, call MSM_AddWLargeActivityCount/MSM_AddOLargeActivityCount n number of times to add n number of health strings.
Wide character:
error_code_t MSM_AddWLargeActivityCount(TM_Context* pCtx, MSM_WEvent* pWEvent,wchar_t* largeActivityCount)
Narrow character:
error_code_t MSM_AddOLargeActivityCount(TM_Context* pCtx, MSM_OEvent* pOEvent,char* largeActivityCount)
TM_Context* pCtx: Pointer to TM_Context returned by TM_Init
MSM_WEvent* pWEvent / MSM_OEvent* pOEvent: Pointer to MSM_WEvent/MSM_OEvent returned by MSM_CreateWEvent/ MSM_CreateOEvent
wchar_t* largeActivityCount/char* largeActivityCount: Pointer to a string for largeActivityCount
Value of error_code_t:
- 0 (ERROR_OK) (success)
- Non-zero value (failure)