MSM_WEvent represents event structure that accepts wide character type event parameters. MSM_OEvent represents event structure that accepts narrow character type event parameters.
The following table is valid for MSM_OEvent structure with appropriate changes in event members data types – wchar_t* to char* and wchar_t** to char**.
Event Parameter | Data Type | Usage | Maps to sendevent flag |
eventType | MSM_EventType | Determines the event to send | --et |
szTDPID | wchar_t* | Name of Teradata system | --tds |
szEcosystemId | wchar_t* | Name of ecosystem from which event message is sent | -e |
szResourceId | wchar_t* | Name of resource identifier this event refers to | -r |
szSystemName | wchar_t* | Name of system that sent event | -s |
szUserName | wchar_t* | Name of user that sent the event | -u |
szJobName | wchar_t* | Jobstep name | -j |
szJobStep | wchar_t* | Job sub-step name | -js |
szApplicationId | wchar_t* | Application that this event affects | -app |
iStateCode | unsigned int | State of component or application specified by this event. Acceptable values:
-st |
szMessage | wchar_t* | User-defined message for event | -m |
iAlertCode | unsigned int | User-defined alert code | -a |
iSeverityLevel | unsigned int | Severity level of ALERT event. Acceptable values:
-l |
szLogFile | wchar_t* | User-supplied log file with host:filename format | -log |
szEventTimeStamp | wchar_t* | User-defined eventTimeStamp | -ets |
uow | MSM_UofW* | Unit of Work structure | N/A |
szOptional1 | wchar_t* | User-defined value | -o1 |
szOptional2 | wchar_t* | User-defined value | -o2 |
szOptional3 | wchar_t* | User-defined value | -o3 |
szResourceTypes | wchar_t** | Type of resource to which the resource identifier refers. This is a multi-value parameter for HCHK and STEP events. Use MSM_AddWResourceType to add resourceType. |
-t |
numResourceType | unsigned int | Number of resourceTypes added in this event structure. This should not be accessed by client applications. | N/A |
szDmlModes | wchar_t** | Indicates the data manipulation language type and defines type of operation done on the table. This is a multi-value parameter for HCHK and STEP event. Use MSM_AddWDmlMode to add dmlMode. | -d |
numDmlMode | unsigned int | Number of dmlModes added in this event structure. This equals to number of dmlModes specified by szDmlModes parameter. This should not be accessed by client applications. | N/A |
szAffectedDatabaseNames | wchar_t** | Database name to which the event is applied (database in which the affected table resides). This is a multi-value parameter for HCHK and STEP events. Use MSM_AddWDatabase to add affected database. | -wdb |
NumAffectedDatabaseName | unsigned int | Number of databases added in this event structure. This is equal to the number of databases specified by the szAffectedDatabaseNames parameter. This should not be accessed by client applications. | N/A |
szAffectedTableNames | wchar_t** | Table name to which the event is applied. This is a multi-value parameter for HCHK and STEP event. Use MSM_AddWTable to add affected table. | -wtb |
NumAffectedTableName | unsigned int | Number of tables added in this event structure. This equals the number of tables specified by the szAffectedTableNames parameter. This should not be accessed by client applications. | N/A |
szHealthStrings | wchar_t** | Health string associated with this event. This is a multi-value parameter for HCHK and STEP event. Use MSM_AddWHealthString to add health string. | -whs |
numHealthString | unsigned int | Number of healthStrings added in this event. This should not be accessed by client applications. | N/A |
lActivityCount | long* | Number of affected rows for specified dmlMode. This is a multi-value parameter for HCHK and STEP event. Use MSM_AddWActivityCount to add the number of affected rows. | -v |
numActivityCount | unsigned int | Number of activityCounts added in this event. This should not be accessed by client applications. | N/A |
szResourceSubCategory | wchar_t* | Identifies a component or job. The maximum value is 10 characters. Valid values for component are RS, BI, BAR, LS, TD, APP, ETL, BUS, UNKNOWN. Valid values for job are CONT, VAL, BAR, REPL, DM, BATCH. |
-sc |
szLargeActivityCount | wchar_t* | Number of rows for the specified dmlMode, up to 38 total digits, with no more than 36 digits to the left of the decimal point. This is a multi-value parameter for HCHK and STEP events. Use MSM_AddWLargeActivityCount to add the large number of affected rows. | -v |
numLargeActivityCount | unsigned int | Number of largeActivityCounts added in this event. Should not be accessed by client applications. | N/A |