Field | Description |
Action Name | Unique identifier for the action |
Teradata Alerts Action | List of users set to receive messages |
Enabled | Selection to allow the action to run |
Make action execution visible in the Jobs view in Ecosystem Explorer | Selection to allow you to monitor actions in the Ecosystem Explorer portlet |
Make action output downloadable | Selection to allow you to download a log of the actions |
Execute Host | Remote system host |
Execute Username | System username for the remote host |
Execute Password | System password for the remote host |
Execute Script | Full path to the remote script to execute |
Execute Parameters | Parameters for the remote execution command. Specify multiple parameters as constant values or variables in [varname] format. For example, enter constant1 [UOW_ID] constant 2. If the unit of work identifier from the triggering load event is LOAD20140521, the command is: <Execute Script>constant1LOAD20140521constant2. If no unit of work ID exists in the triggering event, the command is: <Execute Script>constant1NULLconstant2. |