Daemon Group Properties - Teradata Ecosystem Manager

Teradata® Ecosystem Manager User Guide

Teradata Ecosystem Manager
Release Number
December 2020
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Analytical Ecosystem
Field Description
Daemon Group Display name of the daemon group.
High Availability (HA) Pattern Initial state for the daemons in the group. For HA pattern Active/Active, one or more daemons start Active. For the HA pattern Active/Standby, only one daemon starts Active.
Valid HA Transitions List of valid transitions for the daemons. Some transitions are checked by default to maintain the high availability pattern. The state change control script needs to match the transitions you checked.
Executable Name Base process name of the daemon to monitor. This field is part of the search parameters for the daemon. Some examples are:
  • For shell scripts, select Script (sh) or Script (bash).
  • For Java-based executables, select Java.
  • For other executables, such as C/C++-based executables, select Other. Enter the executable base name in the field.
Execute User System username used to log on to the remote host.
Execute Password System password associated with system username used to log on to the remote host.
Identify daemons by Select the method to search for daemons on servers.
  • FullPathToProcExec: Select this pattern to enter the exact path to the daemon.
  • CommandLineArg: Select this pattern to enter the full path command line parameters for the daemon.
  • JavaFullClassName: Select this pattern only for java-based daemons with fully qualified classnames.
Search Pattern Value (Global) Enter the parameters to search for the filename. This should match the entry in Identify daemons by. Complete this global field to use the same search pattern for all daemons. To use different search patterns for each server, leave this field blank and complete the Search Pattern Value listed next to the Server.
  • FullPathToProcExec: Enter the fully qualified path to the daemon executable.
  • CommandLineArg: Enter the command line arguments to locate the daemon.
  • JavaFullClassName: Enter the fully qualified classname of the java daemon initiated, with the classname as one of its start parameters.
This field is case-sensitive.
If more than one daemon matches the daemon search pattern value, Ecosystem Manager reports the metrics for the multiple daemons that match. A suffix is auto-generated and added to the daemons' names in sequence. To monitor a single daemon, you must provide a pattern value that maps directly to the daemon you want to monitor.
For example, ./sample.sh message 100 localhost sampleLog1.log.
State Change Control Script Name of the script. The template for the script is HAStateControlWrapperTemplate.sh and is located at $EM_HOME/bin. You can define your own scripts based on the HAStateControlWrapperTemplate.sh template format that includes transitions and processes to occur during a state change. The script must include selected state transitions. Add commands or operations to define the state transition or transitioning state of the daemon from source to target state.

If you do not expect to change the state of daemons, you may leave this field blank. If the field is blank, you cannot manually change the state of daemons in the Ecosystem Explorer portlet.

Daemon Name Display name of the daemon.
Server Server name where the daemon is located that you want to monitor. All daemons in the group must have a different server. A server cannot have two daemons with the same name.
Initial State State of the daemon. If the initial HA pattern is Active/Active, more than one daemon can be active. If the initial HA pattern is Active/Standby, only one daemon can be Active.
Search Pattern Value This field is available if you did not enter a global search pattern value. Enter a search pattern value that corresponds to the method you selected in Identify daemons by.
  • FullPathToProcExec: Enter the fully qualified path to the daemon executable.
  • CommandLineArg: Enter the command line arguments to locate the daemon.
  • JavaFullClassName: Enter the fully qualified classname of the java daemon initiated, with the classname as one of its start parameters.
This field is case-sensitive.
If more than one daemon matches the daemon search pattern value, Ecosystem Manager reports the metrics for the multiple daemons that match. A suffix is auto-generated and added to the daemons' names in sequence. To monitor a single daemon, you must provide a pattern value that maps directly to the daemon you want to monitor.