Click Tables.
Click the name of the table you want to validate.
Click the Validation tab.
Click next to Workflow Validation.
[Optional] Click to schedule the workflow validation.
For example, you can assign the validation to occur the first day of every month at 12 am.
[Optional] Enter a statement in the WHERE clause to define partial table validation.
Use the
Where Clause Helper to select columns:
- Click to see a list of
column names, and then select a column. Use the control or shift key to
select multiple columns.
- Click to
insert the columns into the Where Clause.
For example, to include only rows that are more than or
equal to 100 in column_01, the statement is: column_01>=100
Enter the Hadoop Rowcount column.
Select Row Count flag.
Choose how to define validation failure.
- Use base tables rules. Base table rules are global rules defined in the Manage Synchronization Rules view.
- Use a custom rule to enter the limit for the row count difference across systems. You can enter a whole number or a percent value with decimals. For example, 1,200, 10% or 5.23% are acceptable.
Set up an alert if validation fails.
[Optional] Override default system selections and credentials.
This allows you to enter a different database user.
Click Test to verify the validation.
Test is not available for table validation involving Hadoop or Aster systems.
Click Apply for changes to take effect.