fastexport() | Teradata Package for Python - fastexport() - Teradata Package for Python

Teradata® Package for Python User Guide

Teradata Package for Python
Release Number
May 2022
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantage

The fastexport() function exports teradataml DataFrame to Pandas DataFrame or CSV file using the FastExport data transfer protocol.

Teradata recommends using fastexport() function when number of rows in the teradataml DataFrame is at least 100,000. To extract lesser rows, you can ignore this function and use regular to_pandas() or to_csv() function.

FastExport opens multiple data transfer connections to the database.The number of data transfer sessions can be set using the keyword argument open_sessions. If open_sessions argument is not set, by default, data transfer sessions opened by teradataml is the smaller of 8 and the number of available AMPs in Vantage.

When export to CSV file, optional keyword arguments can be used to identify fields in a CSV file.
  • sep specifies a single character string used to separate fields in a CSV file, with default value ' , '.
  • quotechar specifies a single character string used to quote fields in a CSV file, with default value ' " ' (double quote).
  • sep and quotechar cannot be line feed ('\\n') or carriage return ('\\r').
  • sep and quotechar should not be the same.
  • Length of sep and quotechar should be 1.
The fastexport() function returns:
  • When export_to is set to 'pandas' and catch_errors_warnings is set to 'True', the fastexport() function returns a tuple containing:
    • Pandas DataFrame;
    • Errors, if any, in a list of strings thrown by fastexport;
    • Warnings, if any, in a list of strings thrown by fastexport.
  • When export_to is set to 'pandas' and catch_errors_warnings is set to 'False', the fastexport() function returns a Pandas DataFrame, and prints the fastexport errors and warnings to the standard output, if there is any.
  • When export_to is set to 'csv' and catch_errors_warnings is set to 'True', fastexport() function returns a CSV file with name specified by argument csv_file and a tuple containing:
    • Errors, if any, in a list of strings thrown by fastexport;
    • Warnings, if any, in a list of strings thrown by fastexport.
  • FastExport does not support all Teradata database data types.

    For example, tables with BLOB and CLOB type columns cannot be extracted.

  • FastExport cannot be used to extract data from a volatile or temporary table.
  • For best efficiency, do not use DataFrame.groupby() and DataFrame.sort() with FastExport.

See the FastExport section of for more information about FastExport protocol through teradatasql driver.

Example Setup

>>> from teradataml import fastexport
>>> load_example_data("dataframe", "admissions_train")
>>> df = DataFrame("admissions_train")

Example 1: Export teradataml DataFrame to Pandas DataFrame

>>> fastexport(df)

Example 2: Export teradataml DataFrame to Pandas DataFrame with settings

This example exports the teradataml DataFrame 'df' to Pandas DataFrame, setting index column with argument index_column, converting non-string, non-numeric objects to floating point using argument coerce_float, and catching errors and warnings thrown by fastexport.

>>> pandas_df, err, warn = fastexport(df, index_column="gpa", coerce_float=True)
# Print pandas DataFrame.
>>> pandas_df
# Print errors list.
>>> err
# Print warnings list.
>>> warn

Example 3: Export teradataml DataFrame to Pandas DataFrame by opening specific number of sessions

This example exports the teradataml DataFrame 'df' to Pandas DataFrame using two sessions.
>>> fastexport(df, open_sessions=2)

Example 4: Export teradataml DataFrame to a given CSV file

>>> fastexport(df, export_to="csv", csv_file="Test.csv")

Example 5: Export teradataml DataFrame to a given CSV file by opening specific number of sessions

>>> fastexport(df, export_to="csv", csv_file="Test_1.csv", open_sessions=2)

Example 6: Export teradataml DataFrame to a given CSV file and catch errors and warnings

>>> err, warn = fastexport(df, export_to="csv", catch_errors_warnings=True, csv_file="Test_3.csv")
# Print errors list.
>>> err
# Print warnings list.
>>> warn

Example 7: Export teradataml DataFrame to CSV file with field separator and field quote character

This example exports the teradataml DataFrame 'df' to a CSV file with (|) as field separator and single quote (') as field quote character.

>>> fastexport(df, export_to="csv", csv_file="Test_4.csv",  sep = "|", quotechar="'")